Thursday, January 11, 2018

Yeti Ready

Madison took a day off of school today.  She's had a fever of around 101 all day, or something like that.  Of course, we've had her medicated to keep that fever down.  The end result is a day on the couch, sniffling and coughing and so forth.  Ballet was definitely out for tonight too.  She needs time to recover.

Daddy and Mommy were working on the new series today, and getting our yeti ready.  It's been a while since we've pulled out the yeti, but he'll be back this series on top of the mountain.  He's basically a Easter Bunny suit body, with a plastic monkey face that's been painted white.  Mommy made additional furry head covering to blend in with the monkey face, and the end result isn't bad.

Mommy did a good job with him.  We couldn't make him really scary looking, but we still wanted him to look real enough that there was a sense of worry for the team climbing the mountain.  Daddy was finishing up the scripting today, with Team KidPak going up the mountain.  We don't specify which mountain.  It could be in the Alps or the Himalayas, and either way is okay.  We'll just call it "the mountain." There are plenty out there, and some are still unclimbed as of this writing.  Yes, some mountains out there have yet to be conquered, and that's amazing to me, given our advances in all things.  We asked Madison if she wants to go out there and do that, and we were given a pretty solid "no."  We were showing her some pictures from a recent ascent up a mountain called Link Sar, and she was pretty certain that was a thing she didn't want to do with her life.  So, that's a bit no to mountaineering school.

It's raining today, but it's warm too.  Or, at least it's warmer than it's been, which isn't saying much.  The mantra "enjoy it while it lasts" is on repeat on all the weather stations.  The brutal cold is about to make a comeback.

Tonight, we immersed ourselves in Star Wars again, watching - by request - "Star Wars Rebels."  We also started a new book tonight, one called "Ahsoka."  This is one of Madison's favorite characters, so it was inevitable that this had to be read.  Ironically, it was a Christmas gift for Daddy, but Madison will probably enjoy it more!

We said our prayers, and read from the Bible, and from our fasting devotional too, which we'll close with right here:

“I look up to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2 NIRV

     In the scripture above, David is asking a rhetorical question. That basically means he already knows the answer. He asks, “Where does my help from?” The answer is something that you know too: it’s God. Our Heavenly Father created the mountains, the heaven and the earth.
     He’s a wonderfully big God, the Creator of the Universe. But there’s a great way to catch His attention: with prayer and fasting. We stop what we’re doing, and give up the things we love to do just so we can pray with God. It’s an important thing to do, because it changes our focus. We start focusing more on Him, instead of all the stuff around us. And when we focus on Him, we begin to realize how great He really is.
     You may be facing mountain-sized challenges this year, but don’t forget how big our God is. When you fast and pray, you’re seeking Him first.
     Where does your help come from? It comes from the Lord. He’s the Maker of heaven and the earth. 

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