Friday, January 22, 2021

Professor Wisenheimer

I've been animated!  Of course, I've been Cowboy for the "Tribes" series, but this is the first time my Professor Wisenheimer character has ever been animated.  I've been doing the voice for him this week, and Josh of course animated the first part of an ongoing series of cartoons that starts this weekend upcoming.  It's sort of based on the look and feel of those old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons, which of course are very pun heavy.  

Madison didn't have the test she thought she was going to have in ELA today, but she'll have that on Tuesday.  That's a disappointment, as she was wanting to get it over with!  She's not doing bad in school, not a bad start to things this semester.  I dropped her off this morning as always, about an hour before school starts.  She likes getting there early to talk with friends and have some downtime there before the classes start.

Mom and Nana were painting today, fixing up the kitchen there.  They also replaced one of our broken light switch panels.  Got a lot of good things done today!

I was with Nana and Ye-Ye tonight for a bit, just doing a lot of catching up, and when we got home, of course we watched the latest episode of "WandaVision," which led to more questions, but it's been fun to watch.  Some parts are pretty creepy, which is such an odd contrast to the comedy of other moments.

I've been writing at work, doing a new devotional for "Storm Chasers," as well as getting things finalized for the Star Wars booklet that will be made for March.  Also, a bit of cleaning up of the office.  This morning, I walked along the Madison River in Yellowstone for a half-hour, getting some of that in.

We prayed tonight, and we read from Matthew 6, a pretty epic chapter in the Bible, actually.  We read from "Scoundrels" after that, reading a chapter where Lando is playing front man in a tight spot.  It's been a great read though, one we'll be in for another few weeks, I think.

We said our prayers tonight, and were asleep not long after that.  It's late, but the good news is we can sleep in tomorrow!

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