Saturday, January 9, 2021

Cold Saturday

It was a Saturday, and we spent a good part of the day out looking for costuming at thrift shops, and then over at Party City for some mustaches.  Yes, that's plural.  They were so cheap that we bought a few of them.  I wanted some sinister mustaches for Daniel's character tomorrow, so we picked them up.  They were only $1.29, so we got a few, thinking the adhesive would wear off and we'd want to get a new one the following week and so on.  Anyway, it was a productive trip out.

It was certainly cold out there.  The temperature has been low, but not quite low enough to bring about frenzied trips to the grocery stores.  Instead, it just sort of matches the mood and temperament of many here in this state, which is to say "unpleasant."  

It was a relaxing day inside at least.  We were watching a movie tonight, "Godmothered," which was pretty decent throughout, and then of course at the end they have to throw in a couple last-minute of the usual social justice plugs mandated by those running Disney lately.  But otherwise, it was a pleasant diversion.  We kept the fire going in the fireplace, burning up much of our wood collection from the backyard.  It put off some heat, but the visual is always nice, especially given that our one Christmas tree is literally still up.  I am stubbornly keeping it up too, not feeling the slightest bit of pressure to take it down.  It cheers Nana up, and that's okay.  Although she does keep mentioning how much of a pain it will be to take all that down.  She won't have to worry about that part - that's my job.

We read tonight from "Scoundrels,' meeting up with a few more of the main characters of the book.  And we read from the book of Judges as well, meeting up with Delilah.  I'm not sure why anyone would want to name their daughter that, as it seems to be asking for all kinds of trouble.  Unless, of course, you're on the side of the Philistines, in which case she makes off rather well in the end, quite wealthy and not having to worry about Philistines or Samson at all. 

We said our prayers after this, and were in bed earlier tonight, as tomorrow is the first day of our new series.  I was in at the office for a good bit today, getting music together and some more costuming that Mom had set aside in the prop room. 

I've kept the treadmill up too, going on that every single day thus far, increasing the speed slightly as well as the time.  I hope to have it much longer and faster as the days go by, and hopefully I'll have something to listen to or at least watch while I use the thing.  But the point is, I'm using the thing, and that's hopefully going to help out with everything.

Madison did some piano today, and she watched "Rebels" as well as some other things.  It was basically a continuation of winter break in some ways, as we didn't get to go anywhere too much.  To make up for this a tiny bit, and because tomorrow the fast starts, we dropped by Dairy Queen, and she and I got ourselves a few Blizzards.  They weren't too bad, but again, Blizzards used to be mixed so much more thoroughly.  Today, things seem to be done in a hurry.  We had the new chocolate covered strawberry flavor, which was good, but again, with a more thorough mixing, I imagine this flavor could be astounding.

Today the war within the social media world picked up a bit, with tech giants suddenly concerned about security that they weren't as concerned about for several months straight last year.  I'm not sure what has changed their minds, but the end result is a blatant and aggressive move that I can only imagine will result in equal and opposite blatant and aggressive moves.  The end product of this won't be pretty.  Certain social media sites are being taken down entirely as perceived threats to national security, and again, one social media site believes it should censor the President of the United States himself.  Such bold moves won't certainly be customer friendly moves to the seventy-five million people who voted for the guy, but then again, perhaps most of those seventy-five million don't have an account with that social media site anyway.  Regardless, the separation continues, with the tribes growing even more farther apart.  The comparison of our nation to that of the Roman Empire is sadly shifting to another similarity, as the fact is no outside nation could defeat us militarily.  The only thing that can defeat us is ourselves.  And sure enough, we're fighting that battle, and unfortunately we're winning it.

Anyway, we prayed tonight, praying regardless of the appearance of things.  We'll walk by faith and hope for something greater.  

Snug in our beds, we were off to sleep early tonight.  Madison keeps leaving that groundhog somewhere in my face when I return to bed, or perhaps even in the bed under the covers.  That running joke continues, as do the games of hide-and-seek.  I'm glad we can continue these nightly rituals, even with all else going on.

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