Sunday, January 3, 2021

First KidPak of 2021


We were back at church this morning, and it was so nice to be back.  It was very cold outside, and unfortunately the air conditioning was on inside - but at least that made the snow all over our stage make sense.  We did the usual Wisenheimer invention that you can see above.  This has been such a great ongoing skit idea for over fifteen years now, where it reads your mind and answers different questions by "scanning your biometric data."  Different comical images go up on the screen on the count of three, answering the question - in today's case it was, "What can you do in 2021?"  And there are all kinds of answers to that, like "make a million dollars" or "run across the country in a Darth Vader costume."

Madison was at the service upstairs, listening to a message by Pastor Franklin.  Later on, she was helping out with service at KidPak, and of course enjoying the service with us as well.  Mom and Nana did the reverse, starting out at KidPak and then going to the second service upstairs.

We got home after that, first dropping by the grocery store to get a rotisserie chicken and some pizza for Madison.  We had a nice lunch at home, and Mom even used the chicken to make a delicious chicken salad for later on.  The girls were taking turns getting a bath, and I was cleaning up a lot upstairs, taking down the Halloween decorations.  By "Halloween decorations," I mean cobwebs that just seem to pop up all over.  But also vacuuming up the pine needles from moving the tree.  We got a lot of that done.

Tonight's movie was "Around the World in 80 Days," which is my favorite book.  We watched the 1956 movie, which is amazingly long.  I mean, it really feels like 80 days by the end of it.  It literally takes two DVDs to finish the thing.  But it's a great movie, one the three of us enjoyed with a fire in the fireplace there.  Uh-oh.  We've burned the last of our logs tonight.  We'll have to get to that tomorrow.

Madison spent the day busy, even after church this morning.  She got home and practiced piano after eating, working on "Married Life" some more, and then moving on to do some fashion designs, creating dresses and drawing them up on a sketch pad.  After that, there was some Animal Crossing as well, doing some fishing.  Oh, and a few episodes of "Rebels" on her device.  

In the evening, we were reading from "The Last Battle," which has gotten rather somber.  We've only got three more chapters to read and we will have done the whole of the Chronicles of Narnia.  These last few chapters have been page turners, and given the fact that we don't have to get up so early tomorrow, we kept reading another chapter.  I think we did three tonight.  

We prayed after that, and soon enough we were asleep.  This after tucking Maddie in, and her throwing a small Princess Leia plush at me, and hiding the groundhog somewhere in my bedroom.  Yes, these traditions go on and on!

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