Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Baby Yoda at Christmas

 Baby Yoda sits in front of the Christmas tree for a nice reflective morning.  I suspect he's hungry though.  It's been a good day today for Baby Yoda, although not as much for Nana, who is still struggling.  It's a daily process in the morning, especially, where she wakes up early and alone, and that's all it takes of course.  But there are good moments, and they pop in just as quickly as the sad ones, where suddenly all is normal and well, and there is laughter or giggles even.  Nana will sit with us and watch a Christmas movie from time to time.  Tonight's flick was "The Preacher's Wife," which is another of the big Christmas movies on our list.  Mom loves this one.  

Having Christmas music playing or movies on the screen... it's been therapeutic in a way.  Thankfully, we have something to focus on, something to help lift spirits.  It's something to change the subject with too.  Nana loves the tree, constantly going back to it to admire the ornaments and the lighting.  She enjoys the other tree in the piano room as well.

Speaking of piano, Madison has a piano recital coming up!  She's doing "Victor's Piano Solo," and will be doing it in person.  She's got some practice to do there, but I think she's got a good head start on things.  I believe with a little focused practice during Thanksgiving break, she'll do well with it.

Mom and Nana were doing some grocery shopping today, and there were a few Thanksgiving items to pick up along the way, including a smaller turkey.  We may use that one for our KidPak Office Thanksgiving, which is getting closer.  

Madison had math homework tonight, and she's had science tests too.  She's done well with those, although the math may be starting to get a little more challenging.  Not too bad though.  There was a Book Fair this week, so she dropped by to get a book, but she's actually wanting to get the third book in the "Divergent" series.  I put a hold on that, and we'll go and get that soon.  It's been busy lately though, as I've had so many meetings at work.  That's all something upcoming, meetings about KidPak and other things in the future.  But the KidPak meetings were about our new version of "Elevate" coming in January.  

This morning I gave blood, though it wasn't as a donation.  It was part of a check-up of sorts, although I probably wouldn't be there if not for the symptoms I've been having of late.  I certainly have high blood pressure issues, and there's genealogy to partially credit for that.  Though also I have not been as active lately as I should.  So I have pills to take at night now, and yeah, I'm not terribly excited about that.  But if it helps with the symptoms, then I guess that's the way it needs to be.

We finished "Choices of One" tonight, and all agreed it was a good read.  Although, we're not entirely clear what happens to the Stormtrooper squad, other than they're working for Thrawn and call themselves the 501st.  It would be neat to see another adventure with them, as we all enjoyed that part of the story.  The other parts were good too, and Mara Jade is once again a favorite character in the household.  She may make another appearance next spring at KidPak, in fact, as in our meetings we were discussing returning to "The Spirit Awakens" once more.  That would be fun!  But it's too early to determine that much right now - it's just plans.  After January, anything goes as far as mandates, forced quarantines and marshal law.  We've been blessed here in Georgia, unlike those in New York, California or Michigan.  At least we can go to church.  That last election had some bigger implications than we imagined at the time.

Anyway, we said our prayers together tonight, praying for help and healing.  It's been a tough time, but there's still so much to be thankful for.

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