Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Return of :putnam:

It was another morning Under Construction at church, and this one was fun because if featured the return of :putnam:!  This mascot has been hiding for the last year or so, but it was great to see him back in the swing of things, and of course getting thrown off a seven-story building.  Other than that, he's fine...

Madison was at KidPak Jr. this morning, and it was a day to learn about Noah.  He was a builder, of course, which is what our series is all about.

     One of the greatest building projects in the Bible would have to be Noah’s ark.  This ginormous construction made little sense to anyone as it was being built – and yet inside it offered the only hope for all mankind.  In the book of Hebrews, Noah is listed as a man of faith. He’s a hero in history, and one of the greatest construction foremen of all time.  We can certainly learn a lot from him – after all, he’s the reason we’re all still here!  If you’re wanting to build something great with your life, take a look at these simple tips from Noah:
     First, stick to the blueprints.  It was no doubt unusual for Noah to build a huge boat as he did.  But as we go through life, there will be times that we’ll find ourselves doing things differently than the world would.  Just follow God’s plan, because He knows what’s best:  everything will work together for the good of those who love Him.
     Second, remember that God is into the details.  God had precise instructions on how His ark was to be built. No job is too small – could you imagine a small plank of wood not in place on the ark?  The boat could have sunk!  As we do things, we must work in excellence – that way everything can stay afloat.  Consider that others are watching, and know that God is too.
     Finally, get with the right crew.  Noah had a good team to work with.  Are you hanging around the right people?  A sharpening stone will make your tools more effective.  In the same way, a sharp friend will help give you the cutting edge you need to be the person God has called you to be.
     With guidance from God, Noah was able to build something that preserved the whole human race.  And if you’d like to build something great with your life, the best plan is to follow God’s blueprints for success!

To add to the theme of the day, Daddy read to Madison a book about Noah (one by Jan Brett), and in return, Madison read to Daddy the story of Noah from her children's Bible.  That was a pretty awesome moment, to be sure.

We've had plenty of rain lately - although not today.  Today was a downright beautiful day, in fact.  We got home from church, at which time we did a tiny bit of piano practice - but there was a time for rest as well.  Madison, Winter, and Daddy were upstairs taking a short nap for a bit, while Mommy was on the computer downstairs.  The weather is starting to get warmer, to the point that we actually had to turn on the air conditioning somewhat.  But it's been beautiful outside.  Lake Lanier is pretty much full right now, which is somewhat amazing to behold - it looks almost too full!  It's something we're not used to seeing, a lake completely full.  Each time we go over the bridges, we marvel at how much water lies below us.

We'll have rain again later on this week - Wednesday, I think.  It won't be enough for a world-wide flood, but Madison knows for sure that isn't going to happen again.  God promised it when He put up the rainbow, she'll tell us.  Maybe we'll see a rainbow again soon...

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