Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sparkling Angel

As you can see above, we were having fun with the Kinect again today. Madison posed for a picture, and we used this feature called "Sparkler," which allows you to trace lines as if you used a sparkler and left the shutter open on a lens. Here's a photo of Madison last May with the real thing. With this program, you take a picture and then trace lines using your hands and fingers. Pretty amazing, actually. Look how the halo goes around her head - it's using 3D space to make the lines.

We did do a little work today, but not too much. Mommy wasn't feeling well, so we stayed at home largely. Madison has been taking care of her babies this week, quite extensively. She has Mickey and Minnie, and then Baby Madison, and then Alice, and then a few others. She puts them to bed each night before she goes to sleep - we have some nursery beds we got as a gift from the Pottery Barn. It looks like a nursery in her room, all these beds lined up with occupants getting ready for a long winter's nap. In the mornings, she wakes them all up and takes them downstairs with her. She has a stroller that some can fit in, and beyond that the others go a plastic shopping cart.

The word "shopping cart" just reminded me that we heard the K-Mart in Buford is going to close now. That's pretty much the last one in our area, which is a real shame. We grew up with K-Mart, and it seems that Wal-Mart won that battle. Madison will grow up not knowing what a "blue light special" is or anything like that. It's probably what our parents were thinking about certain stores we missed out on. This economy is tough, and now that January is upon us again, it will be hard for many businesses that didn't get enough of a boost from Christmas. Sadly, K-Mart is on that list. We ourselves haven't been in ages, but in our defense, it is a longer drive to Buford. Yet we'll probably be making that trip soon now, if only to have Madison pose for a picture in front of a piece of Americana, a piece of history soon to be made history.

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