So rides to and from anywhere have gotten a lot of fun in December. Madison and Daddy listen to a Disney Christmas music CD on the way to school, but when not listening to that, we do our own Christmas Carols. For some reason, "Frosty the Snowman" has captivated her this year. She's watched that special quite a few times this season - she can't wait to make another snowman. Hopefully that chance will come soon, although the temperatures have been warmer as of late. Back to "Frosty:" we were singing that song on the way to school, but Daddy didn't remember the words exactly. Which led to this new verse:
Frosty the Snowman
was a big guy made of snow,
with a battle axe,
and a tenor sax:
You should hear that Frosty blow!
As you could imagine, this led to at least seventeen new additional verses that we sort of made up as we went along.
Frosty the Snowman
was a pirate, yessiree!
He would sail real far
as he yelled out "arrr!"
and he sailed out on the sea.
On and on it went. Madison would shout out "NO! That's not right!" But Daddy continued trying to get the words right.
Frosty the Snowman
had a big pet dinosaur.
If he said, "Oh please
can I have some cheese?"
Frosty always got him more!
Yes, I'm sure there are lyricists wanting to contact us right now about this.

In astronomy news, scientists were astounded to discover, after making a very close examination of the planet Mars, that there is actually the appearance of Madison's face! That's right, the shadows created by sunlight cast over mountains and crevices on the surface work together to create a face, as seen to your left here. For those of you familiar with the "other Mars face," this is no doubt exciting news, as now there are in fact two faces that can be seen on the planet's landscape. Is this proof of life on Mars, either existing now, or perhaps some ancient civilization? We may never know, of course. The very topic is most intriguing!

Okay, so it isn't a planet's surface in this picture. Madison put her face up against a screen and pressed up against it, so Daddy snapped a photo. I thought it was funny at first, and then I thought, "Hey, that looks sort of like that 'face on Mars' bit!" So then I added a few craters and made it look grainier. It was sort of a fun visit for Madison and Mommy at work today. It wasn't as fun as say, a trip to Mars. But it was still a great day overall. In fact, it makes me want to sing a little song:
Frosty the Snowman
surfed some gnarly waves, my friend!
He'd zoom all about
and sometimes wipe out.
But he'd shred, and yell, "Hang 10!"
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