Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weird Science

Here Madison is with her Willy Wonka goggles and rubber gloves, ready to experiment! Her latest projects have been making radical shapes with pretzel isotopes.
Madison's area of expertise in the field of science has to do mostly with inertia. For example: "if I throw this at someone, will it hit them in the face?" Most of the time: yes. She's got good aim. Just not with those big rubber gloves.

The first week of "Weird Science" at our children's church has been eventful: we've powered a clock with a potato, set up an ant farm, gone on a tour of the universe, seen really cool optical illusions - and oh yes, dropped hundreds of Mentos in bottles of Diet Coke and saw them explode. FORTY TWO bottles of Diet Coke! Hopefully, we'll be able to post a portion of that video here later - it was most impressive!

Today was largely a work day for Daddy, and Mommy too. Madison was up late last night as we had an adventurous drive home from Cartersville. It was a nice trip - and it was good to visit another church, but the late night last night means an early one today. Madison's already asleep, which is good. She'll be up early tomorrow for church, and after that we'll be heading to her great-grandmother's house! It's Great-Grandma's birthday, so we'll be joining Ye-Ye and Nana up in Cleveland for a few hours for a nice quiet celebration.

Hopefully we'll stay away from too many science experiments involving sugar and cake!

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