Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Masked Lime and Lemon Boy

Here we are at the first KidPak service of 2025!  This morning's KidPak service brought back the Masked Lime and Lemon Boy, a really old skit that we did some time ago for our series "Juicy Fruit."  Things went well this morning, with lots of laughs and a great introduction to the Fruit of the Spirit, which we'll be talking about the next few weeks.  It's only appropriate to talk about fruit, as we're starting our church fast today and we're staying away from sweets and meat for twenty-one days.  Of course, beyond that, we're doing some quality devotional time - Mom, Maddie and I were doing this new "Chosen" themed devotional... well, at least new to us.  Basically, it follows the show episode by episode, and it covers topics and highlights scriptures and gives guided questions.  Mom, Maddie and I sat at the kitchen table talking about the Old Testament and New Testament, and talking about Mary, Simon Peter, Nicodemus and Matthew too.  We'll be watching episode one soon enough, but this was a good introduction day.  We'll continue reading tomorrow, and continue the devotional time.

This morning's service was good, and right after that we went home to where Mom was with a good lunch for us.  She had some cream of asparagus soup, and that was really good and filling.  Mom and I had a good afternoon nap after that.  She's still under the weather somewhat, which is why she wasn't at service this morning.  But it's getting better.  

Tonight we continued our "High School Musical" marathon with the second movie, which is another good one.  We actually own the concert video too, so we might add that to the marathon.  Tomorrow we'll revisit the third movie, and then after that we'll even watch the Sharpay solo movie.  We've got hard copies of all of these, and it's been a while since we've seen them.  But they're still great movies with great choreography and music.  The second one is really fun, and the three of us enjoyed it again.  We'll see part three tomorrow.

The night was closed out with a few more pages from "Hogfather," which we're really winding down on now.  I think only thirty pages left or so, but it's a great book, a real page-turner.  Maddie and I used self-control and agreed to continue reading tomorrow, just because we knew we had to get to bed tonight.  After all, school is coming back tomorrow, the first day of 2025!

After prayers... good night!

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