Sunday, July 23, 2023

Matinee Sunday

Today started out with another edition of KidPak's "At the Movies."  We moved the party downstairs, or at least the costumed characters there - you can see Maddie and a few others downstairs greeting kids and families, and a few other notables too...

It was a fun morning, pretty simple as far as this series is concerned.  We covered the movie "Trolls" again, and that seemed to go well.  We had a meeting though, and let's just say this Christmas is going to be extra busy.  Apparently, there's going to be a children's play upstairs as well as the usual large-scale Christmas production.  It's going to be a busy.

But first, a pool noodle fight!

Maddie was taking pictures this morning during service too, and those turned out really well.  She's been doing such a fantastic job with the photography in the mornings, getting great shots of every aspect of our service.  We post those up on the church's website gallery, and they're shared on social media later on - her pictures get better and better.

After church, we went over to Wings and Things, which is now our favorite wings restaurant.  It's also close to the movie theater, which is pretty much why we were going out to eat.  We went for the wings and had a nice meal, and finished up with enough time to head over to the theater about 40 minutes before showtime.  We walked in, and look who we saw!

It's Mrs. Garrett, Maddie's kindergarten teacher!  The four of us sat in the lobby and talked for a few moments before going in to see our movie, but Maddie spotted her right away.  We see her from time to time at school functions, and it was nice to see her here.  It's been a long time since kindergarten!

Our movie theater was empty when we got there, but again, we were about 40 minutes early.  But soon enough the entire theater began to fill up - it was actually pretty packed, considering this movie has been out since July 4th.

The movie was "The Sound of Freedom," and it's a pretty heavy subject.  The movie is in fact a movie, which is to say that it is not a documentary.  Still, the issue it raises and the work being done by brave real-life heroes today are all grounded in reality.  It is an uncomfortable subject to raise, but an important one.  Some things were tough to watch, but I'm glad we saw the movie, and again, the theater was really full.  

We got home soon after that, and the rest of the day was unpacking, a bit of genealogy, and some Ultimate Spider-man too.  We ordered some new nunchucks for Maddie for her Team Edge practices, and we did our usual reading at night.  We get to sleep in tomorrow, so that's good.  We said our prayers tonight, and sleep came pretty quickly - we were all rather tired!

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