Friday, December 9, 2022

Jingle Smells

Jingle Smells... something bad.  Jingle, Snowflake, and my plush poo companion were on hand to give Maddie the gentle reminder:  YOU SMELL.  Or perhaps it was the little presents you can see dropped behind Snowflake there.  Jingle has graciously put them in a ziplock bag there, and presented her with some reindeer poop, which is the gift that keeps on giving.  But the generosity doesn't stop there.  To Jingle's right is a brand new Pez dispenser, which of course goes with the theme:  poop.

It's a busy season right now, at least leading up to the Christmas Production.  There are practices and run-throughs coming up, coordinating animals and costumes and dancers and music and lighting and so on.  It's going to be a great production, but it's going to be all-encompassing.  In the meantime, I'm dealing with a new symptom that's troublesome:  insomnia.  Medication is not helping with that, and the other symptoms I've had are gone.  It's just no sleep.

Maddie had her taekwondo tonight, and it was a good night.  She's advancing quickly, and is on pace for getting that second degree black belt soon enough.  That's pretty exciting stuff - I can't believe it's gone by so quickly.  Anyway, we watched some Christmas stuff tonight, including the latest episode of "The Santa Clauses," which we're very much into.  It's super fun to have Scott Calvin and his family back again.

I've been loving my Christmas socks each morning.  Every day, I open a new folder on the advent calendar, and there's a new pair of Christmas socks!  Today's socks are Ewoks.  Ewok socks.  Which is fun to say.

Tonight we said our prayers, and we read of course.  Then, it was off to sleep.  Or at least off to try and get some sleep.  But before we go, look what was posted today by the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in Gainesville:

It's our tree!

Maddie’s pov:

Tonight there was taekwondo. We had done board breaking tonight since the next class is testing. I’ll be testing for my 2nd degree black belt recommended, which means I have two more testings until I get my 2nd degree black belt. I honestly really like breaking boards cause it just is fun. After board breaking, we did our forms.

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