Wednesday, December 28, 2022

25 Days of Hot Sauces

Maddie and I had a fun little event tonight.  We vowed earlier that we would - once we got to day 25 - actually taste each of these hot sauces all in one sitting.  That meant getting a big batch of French fries, enough for both of us, and enough to sample these hot sauces one at a time.  

Oddly enough, our favorite might have been the one on day one.  The sriracha hot sauce was our favorite, although the smoked chipotle was good too.  We didn't like the green ones as much, and the whiskey one wasn't that good either.  The Thai one tasted like soap to both of us.  The dangerous ones in the mix were labeled "ghost pepper" and "extreme hot sauce."  The ghost pepper one didn't bother Maddie as much, but it came back to haunt my mouth a little later.  Going in, it wasn't so bad.  It had this delayed reaction that sort of messed things up.  The one that got us both was the one that was labeled "extreme."  There was no indication of why it was extreme.  It was just extreme, and that was that.  So we tried it, and both of us had our glasses of milk ready, and oh my goodness did we need them.  This one did not go away, continuing to punish our mouths several minutes afterwards!

Anyway, we got through them all, and yes, by the end it was more difficult.  We were ready to stop torturing our tongues!  But we did make it, and we took a break from hot sauces right after that.  Our favorites are in the refrigerator, and those other ones we tossed.  No more extreme for us, thank you!

The blue birds enjoyed their dining area, and it seems to be keeping that bully robin away for the time being.  Not even the squirrels have figured this simple feeder out yet.  So for now, the family of blue birds is quite content, as we keep filling this up for them.

Speaking of birds, we finished the bird puzzle today!  This was one of Mom's Christmas presents, but we also got a few other puzzles too, so we'll probably be doing some puzzles all week long at the table.  It's sort of a post-Christmas tradition now.

I've been working this week, and I've gotten done the script for this Sunday's Narnia series, for the most part.  I think it should be good, introducing the kids that have entered Narnia, and a few inhabitants, including a wigglemarsh and a fawn.  We'll see how that turns out.

We still had time to play games a bit.  We did some "Grinch" themed mad-libs, and we also played a game of Uno Flip, something Maddie got for Christmas.  Tonight's programming was quite a lot - the movie "Slumberland," plus an episode of the latest National Treasure series, and on top of that some episodes of "The Bad Batch."  

Tonight before bed, we read some from "Interesting Times," so we're reading more about Rincewind again, and it's good to see him again.  We said our prayers, and got to sleep after that.  We get to sleep in all week long, and that's pretty nice.

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