Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Getting Ready for Christmas


We had the telescope all set up, and looking through the telescope... ah!  There it is!  The Star!  Okay, so that's not the star everyone's been talking about.  Seems as if Jingle Bell is capitalizing on the excitement about that star last night.

It was the last day of school of school of 2020, and there weren't many people there.  But Madison was, and she had a splendid time playing games like four square, and watching movies - yesterday was "The Polar Express," and today in Spanish class, they watched "McFarland, USA."  It was a quiet day today, as there weren't many students there at all.  But she had a great time, and as a capper to it all, her grades were finalized.  She got all A's again, something that she's been doing her whole career, although this past semester seems to have been the easiest of all for her.  It's been challenging, and she's worked hard.  It's just that her grades were always hovering up in the high nineties.  In science, she actually ended up with a 101 average.  Her average grade in that class was above perfect.  Her ending average for the all classes this entire semester was a 98.  She did fantastic!

Today Mom, Nana and I were shopping for Christmas gifts, just a few over in the Dawsonville area.  We had to pick up a few white elephant gifts for Christmas Eve at my parents' house, and we got a pretty ridiculous item, or a really festive one to some folks.  You'll see it soon enough!

Madison did have her last taekwondo tonight, and it was a lot of fun to watch her spar again.  She's having a great time, already back at the training towards that final testing for her black belt.  That's where we're heading, and she's charging forward!  Nana, Mom and I were watching through the window as she trained with high kicks, spinning high kicks, and a return to the kamas.  Those are those hook-shaped weapons they picked up a few months ago to train with.  The next few weeks, they'll be training with those again.

After taekwondo, we went back to the Browns Bridge church nearby our house to see the lights again.  It's free to the public, and the line to get in was enormous.  But it was a nice time for all of us in the car, tuning in to the radio station there, listening to the Christmas music and seeing all the lights.

Getting home, we were a bit hungry, and had some of Mom's great potato soup, and then piled up on the couch together to watch my choice for the evening:  "Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol."  The music in that is so great - we were all singing it together, even the bit with the scoundrel Joe and his thieving cohorts.  And we couldn't wait to sing about "Razzleberry Dressing."

We went to bed earlier tonight, as everyone was a bit tired from the long day.  That's okay.  We read some more from Narnia, from "The Magician's Nephew."  We're in the Woods between the Worlds now, and I have no memory whatsoever about this book right now, so we're all discovering this adventure together.

After prayers, and hide-and-seek, we were off to bed tonight.  It was a good day.  Only a few more sleeps 'til Christmas.

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