Friday, June 5, 2015

SX15 Day 5

So this is what it is all about.  This picture above is what every parent wants out of Summer Xtreme, and for quite some time in service this morning, the kids were completely focused on God.  There was an atmosphere of praise that just lingered, and the kids were not at all in a hurry to move on with the day, even with the promise of things to come.  It was a wonderful sort of morning, and experience you just long for with your children - that they would connect, and receive a touch from God.

It was a great service to wrap up things, of course with skits and our Tribes cartoon and other videos.  But the thing everyone was waiting for was the water outside afterwards.  Yep, it was water day once more!

Madison spent much of her time getting small cups of water and dousing other people again and again and again.  This, much like a lot of the other children there.  Nobody walked away dry.  We were all drenched - and kind of chilly, actually.  The weather was nice outside, not unbearably hot.  In fact, it was perfect.  Earlier last week, the weather looked threatening for the entire week.  But reality was that there was no interference at all from the weather this year, despite the gloomy forecast.

So all in all, it was a special, fantastic week.  I'll go ahead and say it:  this was the best one we've had.  Madison certainly enjoyed it.  And now, it's time to get home and get a good night's rest!

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