Monday, June 15, 2015

9th Birthday

Today was Madison's ninth birthday, and we did it pretty much the way she would want it:  with a visit to the pool, and with ice cream!

After the Disney marathon this weekend, there was a lot of serious relaxing to do around the house today.  That we did, reading and resting and playing Scrabble and drawing and watching television - the Disney Channel was on, but there were also a few movies Daddy borrowed from the library.

The temperature was amazingly hot today, so we opted not to go to the pool until much later when it was safer.  Even in the water, you can feel yourself cooking under that intense sun.  But when it started to go down, Madison and Daddy went off to the pool together - there was actually a looming rain cloud that looked ready to pounce on us.  But that did a few things:  it kept the temperature down a little, and it also kept the pool empty from anyone else.  Seriously, that pool is usually pretty packed with folks.  But for a while, Madison and Daddy were the only ones in that entire pool.  She loved it, of course.  There was another older gentleman who arrived to do laps, and the two of them hit it off right away.  It started with him splashing Madison a little as he passed by.  And that pretty much sealed his fate.  Even when leaving the pool, Madison made a beeline over towards him and the stairs where we were to exit - but she didn't exit.  She had to splash him one more time in front of all his friends.  It was so random, and pretty funny too!

So we got back after the pool and a relaxing golf cart ride, except for that one old guy yelling at us to get out of the way ("HEY STUPID!  GET OUT OF THE WAY!").  We were on the golf course on a trail there after hours, and had no idea we were in the way.

ANYWAY, we had stalled long enough because when we arrived back at Nana and Ba-Ba's house, they had set up a surprise for Madison.  It was a birthday cake with nine candles on it.  The lights were dimmed and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her right there and then.

Madison was given a few gifts, including one of those tiaras from yesterday - she wore that the rest of this vacation, even at the beach.  This was actually Nana and Ba-Ba's first time spending the day with Madison on her birthday.  They're usually down here and we're back in Georgia.  But today was the first time they could celebrate her birthday, so they were pretty excited too.  They got her a few gifts, things from Disney World, of course:  a big set of markers, pads of paper, and lots of art supplies.  Madison was quite happy.

We did eat the cake, and there was ice cream.  You can't have a proper birthday party without ice cream.

She knows that this vacation in itself is her birthday.  We asked her early on if she wanted to go to Disney Quest for her birthday - and she was nodding enthusiastically.  And the lightsaber and so on.  And we asked her if she wanted to go to the beach for her birthday.  Of course, she was all over that one.  But I think one of her favorite things to do on vacation doesn't involve rides, beaches, or activities - it's just the pool.  And that said, despite not doing anything overly dramatic today, it was still an ideal birthday for her with presents, cake, ice cream, and a visit to the pool.

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