Friday, August 12, 2011


Today, we went to the open house at Madison's new school, and there we met Madison's teacher this year for Pre-K. Her name is Mrs. Julie, and for three days a week (starting next week), Madison will be learning a bit from her - and hopefully some speech therapists as well. Everyone at the school seems very nice, and Madison had a wonderful time. In fact, she didn't really want to leave as early as we had to leave. That's a good sign. She met some other classmates, two girls both named Emily, and a few of the other workers at the school too - including someone we happen to know! Small world, eh?

Afterwards, we had lunch at the church together - but soon it was time for Madison to head home with Mommy. It was a full day for Daddy at work, but he did get home just in time for a bedtime story!

Tonight's entry in Madison's book club is an educational book with some nice artwork on each page. "Stellaluna" is the story of a fruit bat who has a bit of a mishap early in life. Daddy was somewhat worried to begin with, as he himself didn't know the ending of this book. I mean, would we find mother again? This is a book about nature after all, and you never know! Fortunately, several pages later, Stellaluna meets up with her mother again with a tearful bat reunion. Until that point, we learn all kinds of things about bats - Madison was riveted! After the book, she kept repeating some of the key facts she learned about bats, namely that they are nocturnal. Not that she said the word "nocturnal," of course. She just pointed outside and made reference to bats and some birds that were just waking up now. It was a neat educational moment - something pretty simple, and yet you could see her grasping it.

"Oh, bats." - Vicky Vale

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