Friday, August 19, 2011

First School Craft

Here is one of Madison's first crafts - it's an abstract, of course. She did some other crafts as well, including one with a school bus that Daddy hasn't seen yet. Madison says it is still at school. Yet this one looks pretty nice: it will have a place of honor on the refrigerator!

The first week of school is officially over with. And so it begins. Madison loved every single day. Today though was a little rougher: she's coming down with something. She had the sniffles, red eyes and whatnot - so we didn't do anything this afternoon but take her home to rest.

She went to bed early tonight, after a bedtime story and prayer. Hopefully tomorrow we'll see a brighter Madison. Still, we'll be sure to give her the rest she needs.

1 comment:

  1. Madison is quite the artist! Love her color selections and images! So happy the first week went well and that she is happy with pre-k. It is my favorite. So much to explore. Our first day is Monday, however, after being home with Mommy and big sister all summer, Leah has made it clear she is not going back to school. So I am expecting tears from both Leah and Mommy on Monday morning, but Pre-K IS happening!

    Feel better soon, Madison.
