Monday, September 20, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th

Oh, snap!

Ever played a game called "Snap" before? Me neither. But Madison was having fun, playing it with Nana outside today. Madison was largely making up new rules though, somewhat like the game "Fizzbin."

Each player gets six cards, except for the player on the dealer's right, who gets seven. The second card is turned up, except on Tuesdays. Two jacks are a "half-fizzbin." A third jack is a "shralk" and is grounds for disqualification. With two jacks, one wants a king and a deuce, except at night, when one wants a queen and a four.

If a king is dealt instead of a jack, the player gets another card, except when it's dark, in which case he'd have to give it back. The top hand is a "royal fizzbin," but the odds of getting one are astronomical.

The goal of this game may be to get a "kronk." I think.

After cards, it was time to go swimming! Today was a significant milestone: she was able to swim alone - without contact! We were nearby, of course. And two noodles kept her afloat as well. But completely independent, she paddled this way and that, all the time with a big smile on her face!

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