Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th

Ah! The joys of vacation! Despite having internal bruises that make Daddy perpetually in flinching mode, today was quite relaxing. We slept in, the three of us, until 9 AM. This is late. Madison got a present from Frank and Jo, some neighbors in Florida: it was a cute stuffed animal of a white puppy. It's that same small white dog that everyone seems to have down here. When asked what to name this stuffed dog, she actually said, "Snowball."

This afternoon, we went for a swim at the pool. Nana and Madison had a very special time, both giggling and splashing in the water. We had to really cover up with sunscreen though - the sun was bright! But the heat wasn't unbearable - in fact, the temperature is quite nice down here. The pool was a lot of fun for Madison, but it was a lot of fun for everybody else too!

Later on, we took Madison to the best pizza she's ever had in her entire life: Pauly's Pizza in the Villages. This is New York style pizza at its finest. The place has photos of New York in it, along with employees yelling at each other, "Yo!" Everyone's friendly and the pizza is absolutely delicious. We don't have any good pizza places too close to us in Georgia. The closest I can recommend is actually in Alpharetta - called "Capozzi's." Great stuff there. While we're down here, though, we have to go to Pauly's. It's almost mandatory!

Anyway, today was a pretty relaxing day, as you can tell. Just to give you an idea of how relaxing it was, take a look at this photo below:

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