Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dry Ice Bubble

We did the giant dry ice bubble experiment in the house today, just because we had some dry ice.  It was pretty fun, actually.  Madison was utterly fascinated with the stuff, playing around with the dry ice for quite some time, just amazed at all the fog coming from out of the kitchen sink.  As for the bubble, it's a simple concept to do.  We did it a few times, watching these big bubbles form out of the dry ice we had.

The rest of the dry ice was in the kitchen sink, bubbling away for an hour or so.  Mommy took advantage of it it, pretending she was cooking up something special:

It was a fun little diversion, although much of the day was wasted for Daddy, who was out hosting a birthday party in Snellville.  It went well, but Daddy would have much rather been at home with Mommy and Madison.  The two were having a good day though, completing piano and practicing drawing, and playing some games too.

Tonight, we continued our "A Christmas Carol" fest with the version starring Mr. Magoo.  It's this version that has the best charwoman, laundress and undertaker:

Christmas future shows Scrooge a future that has three lowlife scoundrels taking stuff from his property, and selling it off to Old Joe.  While many of the versions of this movie have interesting versions of these characters, this movie has the best, strangely enough.  It's because they have their own song and dance routine, the one with the mouths.  Their mouths open really wide as they hammer that chorus, and it's just a lot of goofy fun.  But this movie overall is fun, more fun than you'd think it would be.  The songs are actually good, and the stylized animation is a pleasure to see.  Also, Jim Backus and Paul Frees do voice work for it, which makes it fun.

Tomorrow morning is Daylight Savings Time - the Fall Back edition.  This is the best one of all, and is such a joyous moment.  One extra hour for everyone, an extra hour of sleep!  This is the weekend we all look forward too.  Although, Mommy and Daddy might be staying up one extra hour later tonight to get through season two of "Stranger Things."  It's been somewhat addictive, this show.  We've got four more episodes to go.

We read another chapter of Nancy Drew's latest adventure with Madison tonight, just getting started on a new mystery.  An Asian woman is referred to as "Oriental" time and again throughout the early goings of this book, and that just reminds us of how things change over time.  "Oriental" isn't a proper term anymore.  I believe the correct way to address someone of that race is not "Asian."  Daddy is replacing all the "Orientals" with "Asians" in the reading.  I'm not entirely sure if this is preference, or if it is offensive for some reason, but we've been taught for the last fifteen years or so that "Oriental" is not a good term anymore.

Time to go.  We've got an extra hour tonight, and we're about to use it up!

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