Merry Christmas!
Beautiful. Magical. Wonderful. Words can't describe well enough the day itself, or how amazing it was for us. This afternoon, as we got home from Ye-Ye and Nana's house, the snow continued to pour down outside in such a way that others may be used to - but not us. Snow doesn't happen that often here, and yet it happens today on Christmas Day. How incredible!
There's that scene in that movie "White Christmas," where the general and everyone else open the large door to their inn and look outside! There it is: snow pouring down all around them. "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know..." Mommy and Daddy used to know a white Christmas, having grown up in a colder environment further north. But we've never seen one down here before.
Until today. It's a magical scene in the movie when they finally see the snow fall. And that's just the way it was for us today. Madison opened up her presents from Mommy and Daddy (and Santa!) as the thick snowflakes descended down from the heavens. In the fireplace roared a warm blaze, as the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree glowed and brought us that special kind of joy that can only happen one day each year.

This morning, Madison was last to arise, which we thought strange. It's probably because she could have used some more sleep, especially after a night of making merry at Ye-Ye and Nana's house for Christmas Eve. Still, the promise of opening gifts we thought would have her rising earlier than we. Listening for the rapid footsteps down the hall, Mommy and Daddy were up to make sure we didn't miss a moment of her first gaze upon the presents beneath the tree. And just outside her room, even. There, she saw all sorts of baby furniture and presents donated from other families. How blessed we are! Finally, she arose, and groggily headed out of her room into a scene of wonder:
There they all were, lined up under her tree upstairs - and all beneath the large tree downstairs. Santa's cookies were eaten, the carrots were gone - and the glass of milk was empty!

We made our way to the great room, where all her presents rested. Looking to us and asking for permission, we said "go ahead!" That's when one by one, she methodically opened some of her gifts. A few were from Cinderella, and others from Ariel. Several were from Santa, and even Rudolph had a few for her. We opened just a few of our gifts this morning before we got "the call." That's the one where Ye-Ye and Nana tell us everyone is up and awake at their house - and it's time to head over there. Before heading over, it was time to dress up appropriately: Madison chose a red dress, and of course put on her Christmas hat - complete with Mickey Mouse ears on top. It's a cute Christmas hat we got at Disney several years ago. She could have worn one of her costume dresses she got today - here's one that she's putting on display for us now.

She loves the costume dresses very much - today she got four to add to her collection, including a mermaid one. That mermaid theme goes along with the mermaid Barbie, the mermaid Barbie movie - and of course all the Ariel stuff she unwrapped. Later on, we plan on making a theme hopefully Monday when we go see some mermaids at the Georgia Aquarium. But today, we had to get over to Ye-Ye and Nana's house for Christmas!

Quickly, we made our way over to their house to join the family for Christmas. They had been watching "A Christmas Story," but quickly put on the festive Christmas music so we could open our presents together. It was another special Christmas with family - along with a great meal. There was plenty to eat - and there were plenty of candy treats, fudge and maple pieces. And oh yes: there was egg nog. Got to have the egg nog. One gift Madison received was a baby doll from Nana, which was Asian and very cute. Madison took to her immediately, and the two spent time changing diapers and clothing and taking care of the baby. Soon, that baby would be home and in her very own crib. Until then, Madison had fun taking care of her new baby doll.

Madison loved opening her presents, and enjoyed playing with them too. She enjoyed Hannah's presents as well. It was a very nice, and then the snow started to fall. So many times we're let down by a missed forecast, but not today. The snow came down: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
After exchanging gifts - some were quite funny (fruitcake!) - it was time to get home. We figured the roads might be troublesome, so it would be better to get home as soon as possible. And that's where it became a winter wonderland. Christmas lights are hung up all over the neighborhood, and thick snow fell all around. It was just like a Christmas card.
Madison opened her presents at home with such glee, making sure we took turns to open up Mommy and Daddy's presents as well. We took turns to watch each other open each gift, but it was really special watching Madison open each gift. She was so appreciative, and so grateful. It was the happiest Christmas!
Later on, we watched one of Daddy's Christmas presents, "Fantasia 2000," and ate a small meal before getting Madison to bed. Church is cancelled for tomorrow, as are most activities. This means we'll all sleep in, which is really great news for us - it's been a busy season. That is a Christmas gift I really needed! After Madison was in bed, Mommy and Daddy watched "A Muppet Christmas Carol" one more time before heading to bed ourselves. There was nothing "Bah Humbug" about today. What an unforgettable Christmas!