Friday, December 30, 2022

Grinch Mad Libs and Minnie Puzzles

One fun tradition that we've renewed this year is a small one.  It helps though, given the family dynamic.  It's Mad Libs.  Yes, this is such a simple little activity, and yet it allows everyone in the house to participate.  We'll have to post one of our crazier end results later, but some of the created sentences have everyone laughing out loud.  Maddie looks forward to these, as do all of us, actually.

We did have time for another board game of Super Mario Land today, that version of LIFE where you collect coins and stars and so forth.  It's somewhat like Mario Party, but a board game, and it's pretty fun.  We had to cut short our second round of the game, as Nana was needing to be entertained, so we plugged in the movie "Enola Holmes," as tomorrow we'll probably watch the sequel.  The first is a good movie, of course paying tribute to Sherlock Holmes while introducing new characters and adventures that follow the themes.

Today's big accomplishment was finishing a Minne Mouse puzzle, one that Maddie has been working on for a good big the last few days.  We had to disassemble this one tonight, and we have another one cued up that I'm pretty excited about.  But Maddie's been enjoying the puzzles this week, and that's nice to see.  She was cleaning up her room, and joining in on the DeSantafication Process, taking down her tree and packing it up.  I took down the outer trees myself, the ones on the front porch, and I also got our Nativity Set packed up and put away.  It's a Nativity Empire, so it took a little bit of time to get all the pieces and bits in their right places.  But carefully stowed away they are, and ready to be pulled out for another year.  Again, I got a good look at some of these pieces.  It's been over twenty years, and I remember seeing this poor man's Fontanini set, thinking it wasn't so far off from some of those more expansive Nativity empires.  Our set has a temple, a tax collector's house, a shepherd's home, a carpenter's shop, a Wise Men's tent area, a chariot, a well, a city gate, a bridge, of course a Nativity stable, plus dozens of pots, jars, rakes, troughs, wheels, donkeys, camels, scrolls, tables, seats, flowers, cows, sheep, shepherds, villagers, Wise Men, Roman soldiers, and the Holy Family.  

Nana and I went off and did some grocery shopping, just to give her something to do.  We needed to do some shopping, of course, especially with the fast coming up soon.  We're starting our yearly fast a little early than the rest of the church, beginning on January 1st, rather than the 8th like everyone else.  The reason for this is that Chinese New Year falls on January 22nd this year, so we'll want to eat Chinese food that day, right after the fast is over with.  I can't believe Chinese New Year is so early this year!

Mom has been working on this wigglemarsh costume a long time, and it's coming along really well at present.  She's been working on frog feet, and she got the Spanish moss for the hair done, attaching it to a pointy hat.  It looks good though!  She was able to get a lot done on that while we were out grocery shopping, as she can't get it done so much while Nana is here.  That's been Mom's dilemma for the last few years, an inability to get anything really accomplished until after Nana goes to bed, or while she's away.  One thing I picked up for tomorrow night was some sparkling apple cider in one of those wine bottles.  We don't have any champagne flutes, but Maddie likes the sparkling apple cider anyway, so that will be fun at midnight. The thing is, this year, we have to go to bed right away - we have to get up for church early the next morning!

It was overcast and gloomy today, just like our week has been somewhat.  We're sort of stuck here, but we've made the best of it, playing games, watching movies and getting a few things done.  Tonight we closed things out by reading from "Interesting Times," and then afterwards, saying our prayers and bedtime.  Tomorrow is the last day of the year, and the rain is setting in, but that's okay.  We're not going anywhere anyway.

Maddie’s pov

We did some mad libs so I’m gonna put one or two down here:

By Decree

To all the Peppermints of Whoville,

Hear ye, boot-scoot ye! This Christmas, I, Mayor Madison, declare that we must make our Christmas  festival 3.1415 times bigger! That means more eggnog to squeeze, and more lights to moonwalk from every house. To prepare for our tree- sleeping ceremony, bring your most stinky ornaments. I will be bringing my favorite ornament, which shows Santa riding a sloth, wearing his signature periwinkle underwear. Weird Christmas to all, and remember: We need everyone’s gumdrop to make this holiday great!


The frosting of whoville

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