Saturday, August 27, 2022


Tonight did not go well.  Our family dynamic is occasionally more of a struggle than normal, and today was one of those instances.  We set up our board game again tonight, the thinking that when Nana came over she could watch us play as we did last time.  However, she was rapidly resentful that she could not play herself.  And truthfully, she could never play anyway, as the rules are too complex for her to understand.  To give you an idea of her ability, she can't play dominos because she keeps stopping to ask for the rules.  So anyway, Mom, Maddie and I just don't have time together.  Ever.  And tonight was no exception.  We started the board game, hoping that Nana could just be there to watch and be with us, but instead, she threw a fit and kept announcing that she would go for a walk, sighing, muttering, and just all the things we'd rather not remember her for.  Eventually we gave up.  We watched an episode of "She-Hulk" together, just a half-hour long, and then we announced that we're going to bed.  We were just wanting to get away.

There were some discussions tonight about the future, but nothing concrete.  How can we possibly continue like this?  What can we do to keep her entertained that doesn't directly involve one of us holding her hand the entire time?

We looked for things that she might want to do that she could enjoy, but she doesn't make that easy.  She doesn't want to do anything but be with Mom, doing whatever it is that she's doing.  She's not interested in puzzles, books, or any hobby we've introduced along the way with the hopes that she could be self-sufficient in her own entertainment.  She just needs a "sitter" at all times, which of course is why we had Diana here last week to be with her while we were at the wedding.  Still, when she heard that Diana was coming over, she was miserable the entire day leading up to that, and making everyone else miserable too.  Of course, when Diana got here, she forgot all of this and wound up having a great time.  But you can see the difficulty in us doing anything around here.  We can't go on dates, or anything else that leaves her out.  And no one is able to help us.  It's been difficult. 

We haven't been on vacation in over two years.  And even before that, it was usually down to Daytona, which of course wasn't exactly our idea of a vacation paradise.  So anyway, this upcoming Fall Break, we've made reservations for a hotel in Gatlinburg, a place we've stayed at before.  It'll be for the four of us, and yes we'll still have her with us.  But at least we'll get to do something different for a change - an escape from our two-year quarantine.  We've made reservations for dinner shows, and the indoor aquarium and museums should be fun.  We'll just do our best and try to make it work.

Anyway, it's been a challenge.  This morning Maddie and I slipped away for Team Edge practice, working on coordination and synchronization.  Also working on spinning v-kicks.  Which is a great title for a blog entry.  Maddie is improving each time, as everyone on the team seems to be.  There are a few events in the future and practice is picking up with more frequency and soon, but she's enjoying it.  It's hard work, but she loves it, and she's really good at it.

On the way home, we picked up some boba tea, which was perfect.  Sun Moon Lake Milk Tea.  It's a mouthful to say, but a delicious mouthful!  We also went out to get a few things afterwards.  Maddie stayed home for that, having to study a bit for AP World History.  But while she was doing that, the rest of us got a few pieces for the upcoming scarecrow display at the garden.  The theme is gnomes, and that was sort of dropped on us at the last minute.  But we're working with it and hopefully we'll have an idea going soon enough.  Today we went over to Lowe's and picked up a tomato cage to build a gnome scarecrow around.  Mom has some ideas, and when she gets going, she's in the zone and she'll have it all worked out.  

We tried to do a few things today, but we couldn't, for reasons cited above.  But at least we got to spend a little longer reading tonight before bedtime, and reading one of the more exciting chapters in this latest adventure of the Mysterious Benedict Society.  It was super exciting, a real page-turner, and none of us dared wanting to finish the chapter too early.  Pretty awesome stuff.  Fortunately, the chapter ended with everyone safe, and after that it was time for prayers, and sleep.  We'll have a better day tomorrow.

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