Saturday, February 13, 2021

Interesting Times

When getting this book, I never thought about the title or the fact that its story takes place in the Counterweight Continent, specifically in the Agatean Empire, which is basically a parallel of China here.  You can see evidence of that with the Great Wall imagery on the cover.  This was one older book I did not have yet from my growing collection of Discworld books, and Mom got it for me for Christmas, with this new, updated cover.  It looks great, by the way.  And the book has been so much fun to read, because once again, there's Rincwind, and yes, there's the Luggage too.

The expression "May you live in Interesting Times" is something new to me.  It is said to be a Chinese curse, although there's no actual evidence of that being from China, other than one person saying it's a Chinese curse.  Regardless, I can't help but think that we are in fact living right now in Interesting Times.  Uninteresting times would be something quiet and peaceful and even full of rest.  That is not where we are quite yet, not in our country, not in our world, and certainly not even in our home at the moment.  

Today we were out shopping again at a thrift store, and we're building up a pretty good inventory of Hoth gear.  We got some other things too, but we went home after that... and watched animal videos the rest of the day.  That was basically all we could do, given the circumstances.  Madison took a shower, and played some games.  But we saw a few animal movies today.  One of them was "Crimson Wing," which we didn't realize would feature so many dead flamingo chicks.  It was interesting, but frequently traumatic.  The kill count was probably slightly higher than a Schwarzeneggar movie from the 90's.  After that, it was a lot of dog videos, and a few veterinary videos... these seemed to keep things quiet for a while, and that was good.

We read tonight, and then we prayed.  Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and it should be a good day!

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