Friday, June 12, 2020

Red Belt

I love this shot.  Look at the intensity of her face, and the fragments of board flying away.  Today was the testing day that ended Rank Camp, and Madison was ready to go, as you can see here.  There were a lot of parents and relatives present to see their students level up, but today we also had a few other guests as well.

To begin with, the kids were working on their form while doing exercises as well.  There wasn't as much room with this testing to do some of the other things the students have been working on this week, at least not all at the same time.  So the afternoon was just a highlight of things going on this week, and the real testing occurred previous to all of this.  Here, the kids were just showing off, and they did rather well.

This time, we were able to join Madison on the mat, just as with the other testings, and help her with the knot of the belt.  Last time, you may recall that we could not do that, as everyone was trying to stay more socially distant.  This time we were able to make it work, and so Mommy and Daddy got on either side, and pulled on the belt at the same time, making the knot official.  Again, it's all done this way to remind the student of the other people that have been present to help that student move forward to achieve their goal.

But red looks great on Madison now.  It's the last color before black, so yes, this is a pretty big moment.  It's the penultimate belt, the one she'll be wearing until next spring or so.  There are about three testing cycles to go, or maybe four?  I'm not sure.  It takes a few.  But the thinking is that next spring, Madison will have a black belt.

Speaking of which, her friend Addison got a black belt today.  Obviously, she started earlier, but the two have been working this week and before that, plugging along, going to practice, and training hard.  Addison did well!

It's because of her instructors, and you can see Ms. Walker here as well, on hand to help Madison.  Now, we mentioned there were others here to witness today's belt advancement, and sure enough, Pastor Lance was in the audience to see her get that next belt.

Daddy was talking to Pastor Lance, letting him know about all the KidPak kids together at the studio this week, all working together to get a new rank belt.

In fact, you can see them all here together, so many kids that go to the same church.  It was good to see them together in this group shot.

We were at work earlier, putting together Summer Xtreme, but we both showed up - with Mommy - to the studio to watch the kids do their thing.  They did very well this week, and we're grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Edge.

Yes, even if they act goofy sometimes!  But seriously, they've been so great this whole time, and we just love them both very much.  Madison does too, and has learned so much from both of them.

So congratulations, Madison.  That red belt looks good on you.  It'll be a nice looking part of your wardrobe for a time, but don't get too used to it.  I think a black belt might look even better.

Afterwards, we were over at Publix, picking out a chocolate birthday cake for a certain somebody's upcoming birthday.  Time is just zooming by.  I cannot even fathom that she's going to be as old as she is - it does not compute!

We got home, and Madison did a little piano practice, and after that there were about three episodes of our current favorite television show - Madison is officially binging now.  We said our prayers and read tonight - tomorrow is going to be a big day, hopefully lots of fun.  We'll see you then!

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