Sunday, December 27, 2015

Last KidPak of the Year

It was our last service of "A Very Merry Tribes Christmas," and although Christmas has come and gone, we still have the lingering celebration, those final days of the month that sort of give you an opportunity to continue the Christmas vibe, and also keep the Christmas decorations up just a little longer.  Yes, we're doing that as always.  They take a week just about to get up to their various locations, and by gum, we'll take our sweet time taking them all down!

January is coming soon though, so we'll get the Chinese decorations going.  Daddy found an old Chinese dragon puppet we purchased one Chinese New Year, and can't wait to show that to Madison once more.  You'll see it here, along with some other decorations and gifts we've been saving up along the way.  This time of year, we all start suddenly craving more Chinese food - although the annual church fast will be coming along firstly.

So anyway, it was a good service this morning.  We actually showed the Summer Xtreme Tribes cartoon in its entirety, as well as a message about the value of time that compared how much time boys played video games in a year to girls, or how much time we all spent at school or eating or sleeping.  Then, of course, the point is how much time do we spend in a year praying, or reading the Bible?

It was a good day, and of course everyone was pretty anxious afterwards to get back home with family.  In our case, that would be Ba-Ba and Nana, who made the long journey up from Florida.  Unfortunately, they didn't arrive until later in the evening, as there was a great deal of traffic along the way.  There's no place like home for the holidays, and that's what everyone else was thinking.  Unfortunately, it could not be said:  "Gee, the traffic is terrific!"

But it was great to see the grandparents again, and rather than get rest early tonight, we all stayed up talking about all sorts of different things, catching up somewhat.  Madison put on her usual fashion show, trying on her new costumes from Christmas and parading them out in front of the grandparents as we talked.  They're doing well, and actually coming from a pretty warm climate.  Of course, its' really warm everywhere this year.  The expectation was to play a little bit of tennis, but the rain just keeps coming, so we're not so sure about that this week.  No worries though - we have a few plans for tomorrow, and of course Tuesday is Senior Citizen Discount day at Goodwill.  And Taco Tuesday.  Can't forget that.  Ever.

We continued our post-Christmas cleaning up a bit today, also preparing some gifts for the grandparents.  Tomorrow will be like Christmas morning in a way, though Madison doesn't know it yet.  We kept back a few gifts that will appear under the tree, and it will be nice to have Christmas with the grandparents here, and it will be nice to give them their gifts as well.  Madison made a nice painting for both sets of grandparents, part of her bird painting series.  It really is a nice painting, and should be nice to see when we visit their houses next time.

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