Monday, March 27, 2017

We Use Antlers in All of our Decorating

The party kept going today, as you can see above.  Mommy and Daddy went out to do a bit of shopping while Madison was dancing, and there we found a lamp stand that had antlers in it.  Yes, this is the perfect thing for your friend who uses antlers in all of his or her decorating!

Our day with Madison started out as it always does before school:  a picture, breakfast, prayers, and then the drive to the drop-off zone.  It sounds like a military operation there at the end, and indeed it is!  Okay, no it's not. 

Today we decided to have lunch with Madison, so we brought taco stuff to the cafeteria, and she loved it.  It was a nice visit, the usual sort of visit where Moms and Dads get to hang out on stage at the cafeteria.  Usually if we come, we try to bring some sort of good food, and for Madison, it's hard to beat tacos.

We were there today because right after lunch, her class went to the Book Fair.  Mommy and Daddy were there, looking around, and by the end of the visit, we had a few more books to add to the collection.  Plus a book mark.  These trips to the Book Fair are always fun.  Sometimes, even Mommy and Daddy find books for themselves!

After school, of course we were heading to the dance classes.  Even after such a traumatic week of practice, rehearsals and productions, the show must go on.  There was jazz followed by ballet, and the kids were back dancing again.

One thing we got today were the school portraits of Madison.

We bought a few.  These are so much better than the lasers backdrops of the 80's-90's.  Although we may look back upon these twenty years from now, and think how tacky they are.  By that point, we'll have some sort of laser backdrop again, or a utopian paradise, or perhaps a simple gradient. 

For now, the natural backdrop is nice, although it looks more like a movie set than her actually at the lake.  No matter, she looks nice and the image is pleasant.  Here below is the class picture for 4th grade.

This backdrop amuses me.  Madison's class is way beyond the simple spelling and math you see on the border there.  And who still uses comic sans font in anything?  I thought it was generally agreed upon that this is the worst font in the history of typography?  

Regardless, it's a nice group shot.  Madison and her friends look great, although you sort of pity that girl in the front row with the slumped shoulders.  She either wasn't ready for the photo, or is having an unusually bad day!

Tonight, we read some more from "The Timekeeper," the latest Jack Sparrow book.  Also, we read from our devotional and the Bible.  It was a big day today, and a fun one.  Tomorrow, we have a few things scheduled too, so we haven't exactly had that chance to catch up on rest and so forth.  But we're not worried - that will come soon enough!

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