Sunday, March 12, 2017

Beware the Hook

We had a good service this morning despite the sickness that Daddy had, and the lack of sleep that follows.  Still, there were plenty of characters in costume, and with them of course Madison playing her part as a "Lost Boy" named "Mei Mei."  Of course, there are "Lost Girls" now, with Jane being the first (having been the first in "Return to Neverland").  So that gave us license with our cast distribution.  Madison looks great as one of the gang, actually!

It's also fun to pose with folks upstairs at the main entrance between services.  Today, Madison and a few others were posing with the pastor's mother up top for a fun picture:

What happened to spring?  It got very cold outside, so much so that it was actually snowing with accumulations in Northeast Georgia.  True story!  We didn't see that, but we did see plenty of really cold rain.  Which is just as fun, right?  No, not really.

Madison was involved in a run-through of the ballet production throughout the afternoon at Brenau, so Mommy and Daddy took her out to eat right after church.  It was Madison's first time at Maddio's Pizza, and she did like it.  Daddy and Mommy liked their pizzas as well, as we sat in the warmth indoors, cracking jokes and talking about the service.  Daddy is the one who shared the message, and it was about Captain Hook, about temptation and the hook there.

It was a good day, obviously top-heavy with a fantastic morning.  Afterwards, there was a bit of rest at home, coupled with piano and a viewing of "The Prince of Egypt."  With all our reading from Exodus lately, it was great to watch this movie as well, which of course was based on Exodus.  Madison enjoyed it, still talking about certain parts a little later on tonight.  We were up at bedtime, and it was there we were reading some more from Exodus, and then the other things we read as well. Madison wanted to hear the story of Esther though, and that from her Princess Bible book she's been carrying around.  So we read that as well.  And then on to Jack Sparrow.  Lots of reading tonight, all in all.  But it was a great day, overall.

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