Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ministry of Helps

Madison was very helpful today at church - here she is, putting pencils in the chairs for all the kids! She also helped Daddy build a pathetic little church building - we're using it as an illustration for what happens when you build a house on the sand. It was fun watching her use her carpentry skills she learned the other day, using a hammer and nail on balsa wood. Together, we created this masterpiece of epicness. I think we'll call it St. Madison's Cathedral or something regal like that. Take a look at our magnificent creation!

Yes, it's rather sad-looking, isn't it? Of course, being built on "the sand," the thing didn't last the night. It wasn't designed to, actually. You can sort of tell that in advance, really. The more solid (and pre-purchased) construction to the left was the one that survived what turned out to be a pretty funny skit tonight.

It was a full day again, and things seem to be getting busier and busier, gathering speed and momentum as we hurdle towards Easter. That's just life in the church, busy building up for pretty much the most important date of the church year. Mommy is rather occupied, working towards getting everyone costumed for our large scale production in the main sanctuary.

And now, a few words from Princess Madison herself:

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