Friday, March 7, 2025


March 7th!  Pretty normal Friday, really.  Maddie had a decent day at school, although I couldn't pick her up early - I was over with Pastor Lance and Donna working on the last part of the Easter script for our production.  We got a good bit into it, and also tried out a new place to eat there in Chestnut Mountain.  Although I did some grilled chicken and kept away from anything fatty or greasy.  I'm having some bigger issues with the digestion again, so I'm backing off on a lot of foods so that I can hopefully heal up inside.  We'll see how all that goes.

Mom has been sewing for the Easter production, up there in her war room with fabrics and the sewing machine, all while listening to medical professionals online giving tips about things she and I are dealing with, but also Biblical messages and political ones too - sometimes a little of both.  Speaking of which, she's all signed up for a summit with pastors and political speakers, something like we went to back in October, but this one is actually taking place at our church!  Mom is going with some friends.  I may have to be working the event, but we'll see as we get closer what's going on there.  I think that's just two weeks away, which is a long time from now, when you consider all the other things that are going on between now and then.  Lots of filming next week, then the tournament near Augusta, and then a few things over the weekend too.  Busy season!

We did go to taekwondo tonight.  Maddie was there for a good bit while I was watching the team working with leadership and with black belt classes.  I was pretty tired by this point, so I just sat there watching through the window.  Maddie's doing really good though.  This is one of the highlights of this time in her life, and these are some of her best friends. 

Getting home, Maddie locked in to do some studying and prepping for the SAT test.  That's tomorrow, and we'll be glad to get that experience over with.  No stress for her with it, but she's all ready to go.  She's got her new computer though, and got everything all lined up so she can head out the door tomorrow and get that test done.  She doesn't have too far to go - it's taking place at the high school.  I took it some time ago, of course, and we'd have to drive from Cleveland down to Gainesville and get there early Saturday morning.  I remember stopping by Shoney's to get a big breakfast beforehand, and for some reason getting a lot of cottage cheese just because I was big on cottage cheese back then.  And since I did a little better on the SAT test than I expected, I jokingly credited that to the cottage cheese.  No cottage cheese for Maddie tomorrow though, sorry.  Not that she would eat any of it.  No, there's no pressure for her on this test - it's not needed immediately, but it's good to take while she's still full of a good bit of information from high school.  Good to get it out of the way.

Tonight Mom and I were watching "Journey to the Center of the Earth" because Mom was wanting to watch that again, and I say anytime you want to watch that movie is a good time, because it's such a classic.  I love it.  We might start a little marathon of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" movies now - who knows!

Okay, tonight we continued our reading for a short bit, moving on with the Discworld novel, "Maskerade." We're seeing more tie-ins to "Phantom of the Opera," of course.  Maddie is spotting them here or there as I read.  We might have to watch Phantom again soon!  Anyway, she's anxious to see where DEATH shows up in this one.  I think soon, although I'm not sure - I haven't read this one in quite some time.  We'll shall see!  Right now Agnes Nitt is getting there to the theater, and she's got a remarkable voice.  There are some hints at trouble to come, and perhaps a mystery.  The stage is set, and we're excited reading this one through.  I've lost track of how many Discworld books we've read together, but it seems we're far from done at this point.

We prayed this evening, and got to bed earlier.  The Plush Entourage got all tucked in, and yeah, it was time for Mom and I to get some rest as well.  Goodnight!

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