We've got a bit going on right now, the office a complete mess - but that's sort of standard really. It's been a busy day though.
This is the new look for the inner pages of the booklets I've been moving along with, and hopefully this can work. This is just one page, and of course I've got 43 others to do as well. I've got a bit done in this direction.
We've also been getting things done in another direction, registering Maddie for an upcoming tournament down in Grovetown. We go the hotel reservations and the registration for the event lined up, so we'll be good to go there when the time comes, which is pretty soon.
Maddie had her practice tonight for taekwondo, and that's going well. She's really good and really gifted. She's focused and intense, but at the same time humble and relaxed about imperfections, while constantly aiming to improve. She doesn't act like a know-it-all, always ready to learn and always respectful listen. It's great to see her at practice.
I'm on the treadmill still, each day, training up and training hard for my big nuclear treadmill day. Seriously though, I'm on there running about a couple miles while visiting different places on the small screen, simultaneously watching a really intensive look into the book of Revelation. We're talking four VHS tapes and then seven DVDs. I read a little bit after that, and decided that what the heck, I'll read the exhaustive concordance that goes along with Revelation. My brain is a little too full at the moment!
Mom is doing okay, her health much better than it was. She's still focused on improving herself, so she's doing a lot with various devices, exercises and nutrition. We have doctor appointments here and there, but they've been largely going through the motions, confirming that this is going well or that is working just fine. Mom has cleared quite a bit of testing, each one showing that she's healthy here, healthy there, and healthy with this or that - so what was it that caused the issue back in October? Still searching for the answer, of course.
Oh, we watched "Soul" tonight. We saw that mainly because of the cruise upcoming, but actually it's a great movie! We really enjoyed this one again. Last time we saw it was back during our national difficulty, back when everyone was avoiding movie theaters and staying six feet apart from each other looking at stickers on the ground to tell us which direction to move up and down an aisle. Good times. But perhaps it's time to disassociate this movie with that season now, and instead let us use it to remind ourselves of the upcoming cruise, and the Soul Lounge. Yes, this is a small area on the Disney Magic that we're looking forward to visiting. We're sort of prepping here and there with our viewings, watching things that get us geared up and excited for the cruise. A "Pirates of the Caribbean" marathon seems inevitable, doesn't it?
We read tonight before bed, enjoying our adventures with some fun characters from Discworld. We've only got a few more books to go with these characters, but the Discworld series is vast, and we've got plenty of other people and lands to visit. It's been fun though.
Tonight we said our prayers and got some sleep afterwards. Got to stay rested lately.
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