Monday, May 20, 2024

Nerdo Hula

What a fun morning we had at KidPak.  Years ago, we had this simple skit idea to honor a volunteer, and I revisited that concept, lengthening the skit with two new features that just took it over the top.  First, we had three members of our dance team doing an actual choreographed hula dance.  You can see me there strumming the ukulele to a song we made up - I wrote these lyrics below, and had AI compose this song that sounds somewhat like Hilo Hattie herself is singing:

As you gather sea shells, the tide comes in and swells

You can hear him surf for all that he’s worth

Just be careful.  Nerdo smells.

Yes this guy’s really sneaky through the waves at Waikiki

He can surf the seas but the island breeze

Brings a stench that’s really stinky

Nerdo surfs right past through those waves fast

But you’ll lose your mind if you’re right behind

Because Nerdo passes gas

Over waves he shoots. He screams and hoots

Passing koas and wahinis, eating his beanie weenies

Just watch out, because Nerdo poots.


No seriously, he smells bad. Please someone stop him. I can’t take it anymore. 

My eyes are burning. Does anyone have any air freshener? Or a gas mask? 

I’ve got to get out of here! 

I can’t breathe. I want my mommy. Please someone send help because Nerdo really smells.

The kids were laughing pretty hard at the antics, and of course along the way there was a great look at the Fourth Commandment, something we were talking about all morning.  We've been doing all ten commandments.  The joke here was that Nerdo is working too hard, never taking a break, and when he gets nervous, he sort of smells bad...

It was super fun.  Of course, we learned the importance of going to church and worship as well as rest.  We're moving along with the Ten Commandments, and it's been a fun series.

You can see Maddie and some of the students there, enjoying the show, or in this case, attempting to tell Nerdo that "God says chill."  It's our bottom line of the day.

Maddie was super helpful cleaning up the auditorium, leading the others to assist where they could.  The rest of the day was spent doing just that:  chilling.  Last night was rough for me.  The blood pressure came up super high, and Mom was up helping me the best she could.  I was pretty close to going to the hospital, but Mom gave me potassium in a drink, and magnesium as well, plus some other things that saw immediate results.  And soon enough it was lowering to a place that wasn't as scary.  I think ultimately it was some bad dietary choices I made.

I slept this afternoon.  Maddie was at Stardew Valley for a good bit, but just largely relaxing on the couch.

With our "Tropical Freeze" theme coming up, later in the afternoon Maddie and I started on a new video game - or at least an old one that we haven't played yet.  It's called "Tropical Freeze," and it's basically the source of inspiration for this Summer Xtreme upcoming.  Josh has been suggesting this idea for a long time, and this is the year we're going to do it.  I've gotten three messages written so far, and we have some ideas for skits.  But to get into the theme of it all, I wanted to play this game with Maddie.  We had some fun, but we're just getting started!

Tonight we watched a few more episodes of "Monk," moving along with season seven.  I imagine we'll be really steamrolling towards this ending now that we're a lot closer.  It helps that a lot of the usual new television programming isn't on yet.  So yeah, we'll be watching that and old episodes of "Gilligan's Island."  Should be fun!

Anyway, we read tonight, finishing up an unusual short story about imperial commanders stuck in an asteroid field, ones that aren't quite sure about the notoriously heavy-handed tactics of the Empire.  Ultimately, it doesn't matter for those aboard the star destroyer Ultimatum, as massive asteroid ends the discussion.  

We closed out our day with prayers, and rest.  We all got a good night's sleep tonight, and my blood pressure is restored.  Maddie gets to sleep in somewhat tomorrow, but she has one more test for her junior year.  It's her last day of school as a junior.  The plush entourage came down the hall, everyone all tucked in.  Time for some sleep.

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