Well, even in Florida, we were prepared for Chick-Fil-A's "Cow Appreciation Day." Daddy packed the cow costumes, and right after summer camp, we were off to Port Orange to visit the Chick-Fil-A there, and get free food. You can see Madison above with a cow princess.
But that wasn't all the free stuff for today. No, sir! The date was also 7/11, which meant that all the 7-11's across the country are giving away free slurpees! We don't have this at home. But there are about a squillion 7-11's all over the place down here, so Madison actually got two free slurpees today. One was with Daddy on the way home from camp, and the other was when all the campers stopped by to get one at a 7-11. What a great idea!
Anyway, the Marine Science Center Summer Camp continued in splendid fashion today, and with beautiful weather. Madison and the other campers went to the beach today to look for shells. I think the beach was Canaveral National Seashores, so it was a bit of a drive for her. But she had a blast, particularly when getting hit by larger waves. The kids loved it!
And, as you can see, they were getting all kinds of seashells too. Madison has a newfound appreciation for the beach. Today upon getting out of camp, she was more inclined to go swimming in the ocean rather than the pool. That's a first. She's really loving the waves, and bobbing up and over as they pass beneath.
We keep asking her what she learned today, and she shares a little of it. But she also says that she's got a presentation on Friday, and she'll tell us more then. That should be fun. Until then, the weather has been beautiful for her and the kids, although somewhat hot. The kids ate, and then there was a new adventure awaiting.
Here they are at Canaveral National Seashores. Mommy and Daddy have not been there, by the way, so that's a place only Madison has been to. She said the waves seemed bigger, and of course she had a great time. But what was that new adventure?

Canoeing! Madison was on her first canoe ride today. You can see her in the middle above, rowing and helping steer the best she can as they go off together with the other canoes in search of manatees. Or manatee poop. Madison was excited about the manatee poop. I think all the kids were. But she also saw manatees as well - she said about five of them. She was learning to row a canoe pretty well by the time the day was done.
They drove back the the Marine Science Center, and a little later today - but that was okay. The reason was that they stopped for a free slurpee at 7-11. Daddy completely understands!
Tonight, we had somewhat of a birthday party for Madison at the condo. Uncle Georgie, Aunt Heidi, and Brandon were there, along with Nana and Ba-Ba. So we had cake, candles and even a few presents.
They were really nice to give her some turtle-related jewelry. Madison was quite thrilled with her gifts! And she was even more thrilled to get to play UNO tonight. She and Brandon were longing to play a game of UNO, so Daddy snuck across the street to a CVS, and picked up the card game. Six of us played tonight, about seven or eight rounds. Madison was vicious with Brandon, who was next to her. He was patiently enduring her abuse: at one point, Brandon had - no joke - eighteen cards. He never got a chance to get rid of any! She just kept punishing him with stuff, and laughing the whole time. She had such a great night.
We walked the seashore tonight, and today. It's what you do when you're down here. The weather is a bit hot mid-afternoon, but early and late are gorgeous, especially with that full moon hanging over the horizon like that.
It was a perfectly lovely day, and certainly a full one for Madison. She can't stop talking about this summer camp. She wants to come back next year, in fact!
Tonight, walking along the beach, Mommy and Daddy just missed a sea turtle come up on shore, lay eggs, and then go back to the sea. We saw the tracks, ones that weren't there when we passed by not long before. Ugh! We just missed it! Oh well, it's pretty cool we got to see the evidence of it all. We couldn't tell what kind of turtle it was, but no doubt Madison can now...!
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