Madison has been so into her squad's chants and posters. The kids are so loud, cheering and screaming for their grade level to win the week in competition and cheers and screams. It came down to a tie, and this year, the fourth graders came up in second at the last minute. She still had a great time. She made her own posters, and wrote the Cyber Team's symbol on the back of her t-shirt as well. That'll be ready for next week too!
It was a great service in the morning, one final SX17 service. We closed out the videos, the drama, and the messages with a powerful service with worship and prayer. Madison has been singing the worship songs in the car, at home, and at the office too. It's so precious to Daddy to hear. I can only imagine what it sounds like to our Heavenly Father himself. Really, that's the most important thing about the week - relationships with God and with others. Madison thought this Summer Xtreme was the best ever. Make-up story time in the car is Daddy telling stories about the super seven characters from the movies, and each night she's telling Mommy about all her adventures throughout the day.
Today we closed things up with our traditional water day. This was one she's been waiting for!

She had her squirt gun ready, and she just wanted to soak everyone and anyone in her path. But she loved squirting all the grown-ups especially.
Here she is with a very wet Pastor Lance. He has an invisible target on the back of his shirt, as everyone wants to get him wet. Really, how can you get him any wetter?
This is the group here. We didn't get to do much of a group shot this year, but here are some of the primary players that put this whole week together. Just before ewe got soaked by Craig over there to the left, who is holding a hose. Yep.
But Madison had her hit list all week. Seriously, she had a list of people she wanted to squirt a lot, and even told those people that she was coming after them. Here's Amy below. She knew she was on the list!
Amy played the part of Thunderbolt in the "Heroes Titanium" movie, and Madison just loves her. Therefore, it makes sense that she was on Madison's hit list!
It was a great time out there, a chance to cool off. The weather has been perfect all week for these events, even with scattered showers here and there. Our car line went the quickest of all today, and the volunteers gathered one last time for a recap meeting that featured a video with highlights of the week. There were many.
We cleaned up what we could, and experienced that weird feeling that always comes over you at the end of Summer xtreme. On one hand, you're glad to get rest again and not feel the weights of all the moving parts that make it a great week. On the other hand, you wish - kind of - that it could go on and on. Next week, it will go on in a way: we're going to Gwinnett for three days to repeat the process. But at the end of the day, there were just a few of us at the church left, despite all the noise and excitement and huge crowds from before.
And so we filled our Sodapalooza cups, and made a toast to another great Summer Xtreme for the books. We went home... and went to bed.
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