Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Getting a Hand

We had a rather quiet day today, certainly by comparison with other days this week.  We woke up late, all of us, and despite being here in Florida, there was work for Daddy to do - this "Trailblazers" series will be largely written here in Florida.  The golf course is there again for us to see one final time, as from this point on I believe we'll be meeting Nana and Ba-Ba over in Daytona Shores.  So this was a bit of a goodbye visit to the house we've been visiting for many years now.  Sadly, we couldn't make it to the pool today.  One reason for that was the tremendous storm that came rolling through.  We were outside in the lanai when the storm came thundering across, so loud and with so much rain.

Earlier, Madison and Mommy had gone out to do a bit of shopping in the Villages, picking up a pool noodle and some clothing items as well.  Meanwhile, Daddy was typing, typing and typing.

We had pasta and tomato sauce tonight for dinner, and American Ninja Warrior for dessert.  Seriously, Madison is really addicted to this television show.  It's one of the ones she sees when she comes here on vacation, and she can't get enough of it.  There was a girl who made it through the obstacle course tonight, and she was pretty thrilled about it.

After so many obstacle courses, it was time for some construction.  We decided to make a mechanical hand.  For this trip, we brought along with us a Tinker Crate kit that showcased the complexities of the human hand.  Madison learned about a hand having 27 bones in it, and then we proceeded to make something like a human hand.

It turned out rather well.  I have to hand it to her!

We read some more from the Nevergirls book tonight, about the rough relations between the pixies and the mermaids.  See?  Even in Neverland there is unrest!  I'm sure there's a bit of inspiration drawn from current events in this particular story, with a bit of "why can't we all get along" thrown in for good measure.

Anyway, it's been a quiet day, and a restful one.  For Daddy, a productive day as well.  And... A sleepy one.  I guess the weekend events sort of added up a bit, and we're all ready to head to sleep a little earlier tonight!

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