Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2.0

We had Christmas again this morning, as you can see in the picture above.  This time, Nana and Ba-Ba were along for the festivities, just two days after the actual Christmas day of course.  We saved some of the gifts from Mommy and Daddy - and Nana and Ba-Ba - and had them under the tree before Madison even woke up.

It was fun to do it all over again, this time with our own wrapping paper and presents we've accumulated throughout the year.  The Easy Bake Oven is something that we'll be trying soon enough, as our New Year's Resolution is to learn to cook and help Mommy out in the kitchen more.  Of course, with the upcoming fast, that might be more limited.  But we'll be learning throughout the year, and by the end of 2016, by gum we'll all be culinary masters!

Yes, it's warm outside.  Warm for us, anyway.  Still, we started a fire in the fireplace, as our Floridian guests were a bit chilly, and it added to the atmosphere just enough.

Oh, and then there were the gifts for Nana.  We went to "Taste of Britian" earlier, as we said, and assembled this massive basket of candies and goodies for her that brought about this wonderful smile.  One by one, she went through the items, and the memories happily flooded back.  And yes, the best part of all was sampling some of it!

Madison had a great morning, of course.  She got her Elsa hair styling doll, this head that you get to try braids on and so forth.  She got a few movies, and some crafts that we'll be trying very soon no doubt.

But this was the first time Madison's other grandparents were here with us for the big week, and that is what made it special for them.

The rest of the day was a bit of work towards our new KidPak series, and a really nice roast beef dinner with gluten-free gravy.  Somewhere in there, we all had a game of Minions LIFE, a board game that Madison got for Christmas.  And in honor of the book we've been reading lately, everyone watched the Tim Burton "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" together to close things out.  We're nearly done with that book, but as of this moment - thanks to Christmas 2.0 - we have plenty more books to read after this one.  In fact, by my estimate, we'll be meeting young Jack Sparrow again on January 1st.

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