Saturday, November 1, 2014

Clean up, Set up

Mommy, Daddy and Madison helped clearn up quite a bit today at KidPak.  Of course, there was an orientation of sorts for the Christmas play this morning.  But beyond that, there was quite a bit to clean up still from Fall Festival.  And quite a bit to set up for November.  To that extent, Mommy was quite busy with Fall decorations, and Daddy was busy with setting up for tomorrow's service, including the writing of a script.  It was an all-day affair, as there was so much to do with only a tiny amount of people.  This evening as we left, it was just Chris, Josh, Mommy, Madison and Daddy.  And yes, Madison was quite busy helping out today.  You don't have to ask her to help out - she's always at the ready, willing and wanting to do something for the church.  She was putting pencils in chairs and honestly doing more than some staff members this afternoon.

The temperature outside is cold.  It actually snowed a lot just north of here, and we saw flurries here as well.  The wind keeps blowing, a not at all subtle reminder that winter is on the way.  Trees have got to be so confused right now.  One moment, we're at oddly warm temperatures.  The next moment, we're at unseasonably cold temperatures.

We got back late tonight, having spent pretty much the entire day at church.  There was a moment where a few of us went to Wendy's to get some chili, sitting down to rest and get out of the office a bit.  But then we dove back into it.  The good news is that it was an early evening - we got home considerably earlier than a typical Saturday.  Also, the better news is that we have Daylight Saving Time tomorrow, which means an extra hour of sleep.  We went to bed earlier tonight with this thought in mind, somewhat exhausted, and knowing that tonight we'll have an extra hour of rest.

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