So the manly peer pressure of joining a football fantasy team is on, and this year Daddy is falling prey to it, as he wants to be a bit more socially acceptable. Yeah, he's one of the guys now. So what exactly is fantasy football. At this point, he's not too sure. It seems a little more involved than your standard football pool, which was something he was engaged in some time ago: pick all the winners and losers each week, and see who guesses correctly. In the past, Daddy used his expertise to pick the teams based on what their names were, and not actually based on their talent. This strategy usually found him in the middle of the pack as far as winners and losers go - not the worst guesser, but not the best one either. This was okay with me, although I do remember winning once.
So here we are, signing up for a fantasy football league thing, and already we're faced with the most complicated of questions: What is your team name? This took some time. Daddy created helmets and team names, and it all came down to these final eight:

Believe it or not, there's a Minnesota team called the Narwhals. I still made the helmet anyway, because narwhals are cool. I love the Unstoppable Paramecium, because that oral groove looks more like a scowl. The Zangiefs was a bit too geeky, and the Angry Gnomes was probably not quite aggressive enough. I love the Football Helmets because it is so surreal - but ultimately Zombie Sharks won out because it has a bit of everything in it.
So, that decided, I went on to the more complex task of getting players. This is the point where you have to scratch your head and wonder, "How much time do these people have?" Not the NFL players, mind you, but the football fantasy folks. I seriously looked at this page, and then closed it out. I know some names, and positions, but I'm not a coach or anything.
Still, I'll be back eventually. I'm going to be manly, and hopefully pick players that aren't already injured or something. Until then, Madison and Daddy are going out to pick some vegetables from our harvest:
One wonderful thing that Mommy made with that cucumber is this: a drink. We had slices of cucumber in a container of water, along with some of the mint that Daddy picked from the garden. Placed in water with some lemon slices, this made for a really refreshing drink!
Madison finished her testing today, again just assessment testing. So there was no big deal there, really. Meanwhile, Daddy was helping Mr. Josh with the creation of the puppets for KidPak. We've still got a unicorn fish to make, who makes an appearance this Sunday, along with the other fish.
Tonight, we finished our Nanny McPhee marathon with a viewing of the sequel, which was also very good. Madison enjoyed the synchronized swimming pigs.
We had school photos today. And gym. Normally, these two don't go together, particularly when gym takes place just before school photos. Nevertheless, we parents dressed our children up as best we can, sending them off once more to the school with hopes that everything will be okay. Hopefully we'll have some decent pictures when we see them again, rather than the post-gym pictures we're all dreading. Surely they wouldn't do that, would they? We'll see.
Tonight we read the last of our chapter book before bed, concluding another book of the Never Girls series. We said our prayers and went to sleep for the night - Daddy is starting to feel the symptoms of whatever that bug is that's going around. Sore throat, stuffy head, feverish... these are not a few of my favorite things. It'll be a Nyquil night tonight, that's for sure.
But it was a decent day, and the good news is we can sleep in tomorrow. So there's that. And with that, we'll close this entry for the day - sweet dreams, and good luck with fantasy football!
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