Wednesday, November 27, 2013

New Christmas Tree

Our bonus room is transforming before our eyes!  Just today, Nana and Ba-Ba went back to Goodwill to pick up a Christmas tree that everyone spotted yesterday for only $25.  That's right, the tree above was just $25, and it's got to be 8 or 9 feet tall.  It's actually realistic looking (until you see that stem on the bottom), with a frosted appearance, complete with pine cones and the bonus is that it is pre-lit.  We set it up in the bonus room, which has already started changing in appearance lately - you can see our fake fireplace over there (parallel to the real fireplace in the next room over), and a beautiful picture we bought of the Nativity after last Christmas.  Daddy got that for only $30, and I just love the thing.  Can't wait to hang it up there.  Anyway, with the rest of the furniture slowly getting into place, this room is looking pretty nice, isn't it?  Notice the amaryllis on the left, next to the lamp?  We got that about a week ago, and the stem is growing upwards at a pretty decent rate.  I imagine we'll be seeing it bloom before Christmas, even with the outrageously cold weather outside.

Madison loves the tree too.  We decided to put all the "rustic" ornaments on it, those made of wood, or have that general look of being found in a national park, or a Bass Pro Outlet at least.  We moved the one tree skirt over to this tree - which you can see Madison wearing above.  This is a tradition at Christmas time, isn't it?  The wearing of the tree skirt!

So, to sum up:  we now have FOUR Christmas trees in our house.  Three of them are pre-lit, and rather convenient:  the one you see above, Madison's small pink tree for upstairs, and the one that Nana and Ba-Ba brought up from Florida last trip.  That one used to be in this room, but honestly this new tree is much nicer.  SO, the other pre-lit tree may actually find it's way into our bedroom believe it or not!  Daddy is considering taking all the Star Wars ornaments off the main tree and creating his own Star Wars Christmas tree!  We're still in talks about what to do with this bonus tree.

But what a blessing!  Mommy has always wanted a big full tree to put in front of that window, so that you could see a Christmas tree from outside.  Soon, other decorations will go up as well, and the house will be quite festive!

But Thanksgiving is first.  Can you believe it is in the twenties again?  According to meteorologists, this will be the coldest Thanksgiving since 1911.  The wind was bitterly strong today, instantly making you regret your decision to walk outside.  Mommy spent most of the day inside with Madison, preparing food for the big day tomorrow.  In fact, all we have to do is put the turkey in early, and we should be mostly good to go.  Of course, there'll be a lot of decorating and so forth.  Daddy will finish one room, drag a big table into another, and we'll be doing a bit of cleaning up.  But it will be a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Madison is looking forward to it, for a couple of reasons.  Of course, she looks forward to spending time with her grandparents.  But the other reason is that we're planning to see "Frozen" tomorrow night at the movies.  Talk about an appropriate title:  just walking from the car to the theater, we'll be in danger of becoming FROZEN!

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