Sunday, October 6, 2013

We're All Mad Here

     So finally we started our video game series, and although you can't see so much of the stage or costuming to come.  What you do see is a skit about self-control, where all the characters you see above are in a Video Game Players Anonymous meeting.  "It's been three weeks since my last video game," one character nervously mutters - but it appears as if other characters need "intervention," being forcefully held down and given a sedative.  Just one more video game... just one more!

     The service was really good, with lots of video game music, fun videos and characters.  The message about self-control was a good one as well.  We'll be in this series for the next few months - a video game series will be easy to roll with.

     Next, we did something completely mad:

It is Mad Hatter Day, and what better way to celebrate than a visit to the Pearce Auditorium, where there was an excellent performance of "Alice in Wonderland."  The set was really nice, and the costumes were fantastic - take a look at the Queen of Hearts:

Madison has her curtsey down well by now, and knows how to address the queen without getting her all upset about things.  She and the other actors and actresses did a spectacular job - the overall script did a great job picking elements and themes from the story, while presenting the more fantastic things in a unique way on stage.  Madison's favorite moment might have been the Mad Tea Party - here she is with the March Hare afterwards.

We're all mad here!  Afterwards, there was a meet-and-greet.  Madison was so obsessed with getting everyone to sign her program that the free ice cream after the event was all gone!  No worries though - Mommy and Daddy took her to Dairy Queen afterwards.  And Madison did get with each and every cast member that was out there, getting them all to sign her program:

All in a golden afternoon... it was special time for us - the play was enjoyable for all ages, and for just a bit we were transported to Wonderland for a magnificent time.  Outside under cover of shade, we were able to mingle with the characters to our heart's delight, and one by one wander back to our cars, and back to reality.  Or, at least Dairy Queen for us.

Madison and Mommy got themselves a Dilly Bar, while Daddy tried the absolutely delicious pumpkin pie Blizzard.  You definitely need to try one of those!

We got home later, as you can imagine.  We had enough time for piano, and a bath for Madison - who was a bit overdue in that department.  And soon, it was time to drift off to sleep.  Perhaps we will visit Wonderland once more in our dreams.  Of course, you'd have to be mad to dream up something like that.

But ...we're all mad here!

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