Thursday, September 12, 2013

Madison's Space Room

Above, you can see a picture of Madison's room.  Or, at least the beginnings of a room - this is her room on the web within a site called "Raz Kids."  Through her school, she can spend time reading books online there - or at home - and answer questions based on the books afterwards.  Students are rewarded with points after listening, reading and answering - and that's where this room comes in.  She can use the points to buy pieces of furniture, pets, aliens, items to put on the shelf and more.  Thus far, she has only the pink plant you see to the right, but as the year goes by we'll put updates here to show you her progress.  She's got about 380 points right now, which represents about two books, I think.  She could buy some lesser priced items, but we've been encouraging her to save up for some large scale purchase, like a Captain Kirk chair.  She's not as enthusiastic about this item as Daddy is though - I think she's more excited about having her room on a pink planet with ponies and rainbows on it.  Either way, it's an inventive little program to get kids reading faster.  I know I'd want to work right away to build up my room!

So we had ballet today after school again, this time Mommy and Daddy were waiting outside a bit.  Mommy actually got some shopping done at the grocery store while Daddy stayed by the classroom in case Madison needed anything.  He basically just sat there with the Kindle, watching his computerized Scrabble opponent make up ridiculous words as suggestions for better points.  Seriously, who actually uses words like "smaragd?"

Mommy also got some paint for the front porch.  Today we made the decision to pull the large bushes out, the two that go on either side of the front steps.  It took a bit of effort, and a few bites too, but we did manage to get everything but the roots.  These were simply too big for the space they were in, and things seem a lot more open now, of course.  There was a lot of moss and mold growing in that area, a product of the shade and wet summer we had - there's actually moss growing on our sidewalk, which is pretty unusual.

Madison has been enjoying ballet much more so.  She's been learning a lot, and certainly getting into a routine.  It's great seeing her run to the ballet bar.  The other day, Daddy was asking her to make up a pose in front of the giant dinosaur skeleton.  Any pose, Daddy said.  So she used the railing around the skeleton as a ballet bar, and began doing ballet positions right there in the museum.  It was pretty funny!

We're almost through with our Bible reading, from covereth to covereth.  Each night we've been trying to read a little more and more from the Bible, which she wants to hear each night.  It's great to hear her ask, and despite any fatigue we may be feeling, we're suddenly energized by the responsibility of raising our child right.  And our reward each night?  Hugs and kisses before bedtime!  It's something she won't let you forget!

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