Sunday, February 19, 2012

Out of the Lion's Den

Here's Madison's latest creation - she learned about Daniel and the Lion's Den today, and even colored in the story above. Daddy asked why the lion's head was green, at which point Madison corrected me and let me know there was a rainbow in the den. While she was learning about Daniel, lions, and rainbows, Daddy was down the hall with the older children, getting a clue:

It was this kind of day! But it was fun, and the kids loved it. We're already at week three of this series, which means Daddy has to wrap up the story next week. The kids have been very much into it, which is great to hear. We've had some fun this year already, and as you can see above, we've got a crazy cast of characters. Yet already, we need to start our research for March's series, "Excalibur." We had plans to go tonight to Medieval Times for "research," but the cost was a little much. Besides, Daddy didn't care for the fatalities in the show. Seriously, that is what is keeping us from bringing Madison back. We didn't like that Roman colosseum atmosphere so much. The choreography with horses was fun, as was all the pageantry and so forth. But tonight we ordered four Camelot-themed movies over the internet, and with the cost of shipping it was still cheaper than one ticket price. So that's that.

So what did we do tonight? We watched "The Jungle Book." Yes, it has nothing to do with research or Camelot or King Arthur. But it was something Daddy wanted to watch with Madison. In fact, we haven't had "movie night" in a while with Madison, so tonight was as good a night as any. One reason is that Mommy and Daddy were worn out! We get very tired after Sunday's big morning. So it stands to reason that the three of us can snuggle at night under the blanket and watch an old Disney movie. Madison didn't remember this one as much: she was laughing very loudly at the "fight scene" with Baloo. Tomorrow, we'll strive to get "The Jungle Book 2" in - I don't remember that one so much. Actually, I didn't remember this one so much either: it was fun to watch again.

On the books, today is Chocolate Mint Day. I don't know who came up with this holiday, but I for one am extremely grateful. And how ironic that we should have not one, but two boxes of Daddy's favorite Girl Scout Cookies just sitting here: Thin Mints! Madison had her first thin mint today, and responded enthusiastically! Clear proof that this sort of unnatural love of chocolate is a genetic thing passed down from father to daughter. Here's the Punnett Square to show you exactly what I'm talking about.

Hopefully that clears up any confusion. Bottom line, we had some thin mints today, and the experimentation was a clear success!

At night time, Daddy told a story that sort of followed the theme of the day, really. Madison wanted this cast of characters involved: Jack Sparrow, Catwoman, Batman, Cinderella, and herself. This was initially a challenging thought, but then Daddy decided to lump them all together in one Jungle Cruise sort of boat.

It sailed down the river. Everyone was wondering why Catwoman had given each passenger an umbrella, as it didn't seem to be raining. It didn't even look like rain.

Yet that's when the elephants came. They were fun to watch, tromping across the landscape and towards the water. It was fun watching them ease into the water, and playfully splash one another. But then each one lifted his or her trunk - and that's when Catwoman got everyone to open their umbrellas!


It's a good thing they had those!

The boat traveled down river some, until it happened upon some monkeys in the trees. Fortunately, Jack Sparrow brought bunches and bunches of bananas with him, which he left there in the boat. Madison and the others threw their bananas high in the are, and the monkeys swung across the river on vines of trees, reaching out to catch the tasty treats.

As the boat traveled further, they even saw lions. These lions roared loudly, which scared everyone on the boat. It's a good thing the lions didn't want to get in the river. Soon the boat traveled further down.

A long, slithery snake appeared from the water...


Madison hit it on the head, and it didn't bother them anymore.

The boat traveled down river for more adventure, but the narrator was getting tired of telling the story, so he said, "Join us tomorrow night when we continue."

All the people on the boat were wondering where the mysterious voice actually came from, but they trusted him that tomorrow the story would continue, and everyone would have a happily ever after.... the end.

Yes, it wasn't that dramatic of an ending. But Daddy was pretty tired!

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