Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jedi Breakfast

Behold the jedi at breakfast. How do we know she's a jedi? Why, look at the spoon, friend. This promotional spoon came out a few years ago, and has been lighting up breakfasts ever since. The handle resembles that of a lightsaber, and yes, it lights up green if you must know. Our daughter is not a naughty Sith!

She happens to be using her force powers to eat yogurt, and a bowl of Booberry, which is an important part of any balanced October breakfast. If you're not eating Booberry, you're not eating right!

Today happened to be World Pasta Day again, and as you know from reading this blog, our family is big on pasta. For lunch, Mommy brought some pasta in for us - still warm and inside a mug. And for dinner, we had spaghetti! So we pretty much had the pasta thing covered from the afternoon on. The World Pasta Council should be impressed!

We had a fun bedtime story tonight, sort of getting into the spirit of this time of year a bit. I wrote a short (abridged) version of our story, but as you read, you can imagine the parts that could be stretched out. Here it is below:

Once upon an adventure, our friends Madison and Batman were following a trail through some creepy woods. It was close to Halloween, so things seemed a bit extra creepy if you know what I mean.

Suddenly, there came a terrifying noise! Scared silly, Batman jumped up and hugged Madison closely, looking around for whatever it was that had made the sound.

"Mooooooo!" it called out again.

"What was that sound, Madison?"

"It's just a cow!"

Batman composed himself, and the two began to walk once more down along the path. When suddenly, there came yet another horrendous sound echoing through the woods! He jumped once more, and ran to Madison's side, looking around with fear in his eyes.

"Oink! Oink!" it said.

"That's just a pig!" Madison told him.

So he calmed down a bit. That is, until he heard the most sinister sound he'd ever heard before!

"Meow! Meow!"

"That's a cat!" Madison said.

Clearly, Batman was a little frightened. But fortunately, they got through the spooky woods. Where they heard this awful sound that nearly caused Batman to faint!

"Ook! Ook!"

"That's a monkey!" Madison said.

Oh dear. This was shaping up to be a long night. But suddenly they both spotted something peculiar on a tree, along their path. It was a sign, posted for them to read - and on the top of this paper was a big green question mark.

"The Riddler!" Batman said.

They looked at the paper, and it said this: "If you want treasure to be found, look for something orange and round."

Batman and Madison looked at each other, as they tried to figure this one out.

"Orange and round?" Madison thought out loud.

"Is it a traffic cone?" Batman suggested.

"No," Madison answered. "That's a triangle."

"Oh," Batman said. Then he rubbed his chin and thought hard.

"I got it!" Madison cried out. "It's a pumpkin!"

"Why, you're right!"

That's when the two of them saw a pumpkin not far away - and raced towards it.

"What do we do?" Madison asked.

Batman replied, "We look inside the pumpkin."

And inside was indeed a treasure! A whole lot of candy from the Riddler. They knew it was from the him, because also inside the pumpkin was this note: "Happy Halloween, from the Riddler."

So for Batman and Madison, even though things started out scary, they ended up very, very sweet.

The End.

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