Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tinkle Dots

Madison has a new inspiration for using the potty. This morning, we decided to reward her using the potty at the right time with some tasty Tinkle Dots®.
Of course, it's just candy dots on a piece of paper, but Madison is crazy about these sweets. So why not reinforce her good behavior with a tasty reward?
Madison was seen running to the bathroom frequently today, even when she didn't really have to go - just so she can try. Just so she can get some candy.

It's been a challenging day for Mommy, who was trying to train Madison as much as she could - with mixed results. There were, however, a few victories, after which there was much rejoicing!

Today was one of those bitter cold days, where an unpleasant wind assaulted you relentlessly until you ran for cover in the safety of the nearest building.

Coming home for a dinner break, Mommy made Daddy some tasty chi tea and we settled down together with Madison at the table and had some quiet time as a family. It wasn't much - today is a big work day for Daddy.

Down in Florida, Zena's aunt and uncle arrived from Wales - Uncle Ken and Aunt Wendy. I'm not sure if we'll make it down this time. Wish we could - it's so cold up here! But from what I hear, it's cold down there as well. This whole

The cat we've been nursing back to health is pretty close to 100%. I can say it now because all appears to be well - but it didn't look so good a few weeks ago. If we hadn't taken care of it, there's no question it wouldn't have made it. But now he's eating a lot and looking much better. And healing up where his wounds were. We've seemed to adopt him, whether I wanted to or not!

So if he's in the house this much, the question remains: what to name him? Any suggestions?

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