Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Moving Forward

Okay, interesting things going on today with KidPak development.  I've embraced the AI stuff a bit more in regards to art, as finding royalty-free images - or at least paying for them - is something challenging because of time restraints or creative restraints too, to be honest.  Anyway, I was working a good bit on our next booklet and we're using this device online that has been super helpful in getting Bible imagery created in a unique fashion.  For example, you can see the stained glass coloring sheet above that I had it make, or the picture of a comical Moses looking confused at a burning bush:

It's a new world.  It's scary, because this is something that takes artists a long time to come up with - a lot of people are losing their positions because of this.  Even writers.   But my workload has increased a good bit, so simultaneously I suppose this is pretty helpful.  We do have a line that I won't cross though, in which the message of the day does not come from a computer.  Interpretation of scripture does not come from an artificial source either - that's all spirit to spirit, and while tools can be used to get things done quicker, or be used for jolts of inspiration, summed up, I think there are times where you just have to "do the work."  

Anyway, moving on.  We had meetings today, lots of them.  Easter is coming soon.  Meanwhile, Maddie had a good bit of math homework, so we didn't really watch any movies tonight.  What we did watch though, was the State of the Union speech.

Definitely some memorable moments in that event.  It was the longest in history, so that's of note.  There were really emotional moments with folks in the gallery, honored visitors young and older.  And there were controversies with noise from the opposition party too.  But yeah, while Maddie was doing a lot of homework, we were watching that speech with all the ceremony and so on. 

We closed up things with reading, and with prayers tonight too.  Storms are coming through later on, with some much-needed rain.  It was a nice day today - things are about to get colder again though!  Yikes!

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