Monday, February 3, 2025

Valentine's Day Decor

Ah, an old Valentine's Day decoration this one is!  We have it out with the conversation hearts, and you can see that Valentine's Day train there too in the front.  I've had this for years - we pull it out in February. Oh, and speaking of which, the Frog Prince is out and about, hiding under Maddie's pillow right now.  Just like every year, when Maddie gets to bed, she'll hit the pillow and he'll start that song again - "Just one kiss, and I'll be your Valentine... your prince is waiting deep inside.  Just one smooch and you'll be mine." For fun, I had it under Mom's pillow, and it was a good laugh.

We also have those conversation hearts out.  Maddie and I practically inhale those each day!  We have two bags, but I doubt this one bag will make it through the weekend!  We'll save that second bag for Valentine's Day, and I'm sure we'll inhale that one quickly too!

Maddie is doing well with driver's education.  The virtual driving program she's on is pretty finicky, but she's gotten used to it and seems to be doing pretty well.  She's had deductions here or there for braking too hard or not stopping precisely at the stop sign.  In her defense, it's not terribly clear in a simulator about the stopping point - she did stop, look both ways, and advance.  It wasn't just far up enough for the simulator to count it that way.  Stuff like that.  But on the whole, she's doing well, and actually feels good enough to get in an actual car soon to try things out.  Soon enough!

It was a quiet day today.  We had taekwondo tonight for a good bit, of course.  I was over at the office working towards the busy week we have upcoming:  more writing for skits, for Easter, for a new booklet.  Lots of weight on these struggling shoulders.  It's the brain that struggles these days, trying to keep up with all the different directions things take me.  We're writing about Joshua and Caleb currently, and sort of tying all that to basketball - it's been interesting finding some metaphors and parallels.  I really look back to the high school basketball game the other night, because right there I was getting all kinds of ideas as I was watching.  I wrote them down and have been plugging them in here or there with the book.

We're finishing up "Witches Abroad" now, the latest Discworld book Maddie and I are reading.  We're following the adventures of Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick lately, and will probably continue on with the rest of this series - this is book #3 of 6, so we're approaching that halfway point.

I'm also in the book of Revelation, at least while on the treadmill.  Almost done with this 8-hour VHS series.  It's been interesting, and a great review of that book of the Bible. 

And that was pretty much our day.  I think I'll close it out with some pictures I took of Mom's Valentine's decorations around the house.  She does things rather nicely!  Goodnight!

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