Sunday, July 28, 2024

Let the Games Begin


We had a great service this morning at KidPak.  You can see me wearing my new Forward sweatshirt, which borrows heavily from the Atlanta '96 games logo.  We're in the midst of a game onstage here, an animated Olympic race that Josh created in 2012 during our "Go the Distance" series.  Which was cool.  Let the Games Begin!

It was a relaxing morning, comparatively speaking to others.  The altar service was very strong in the second service.  We made some changes and actually did two different messages between the first one and the second one.  It all worked out.  It was a great morning, and of course it took up a good bit of our day.  We're in a new season at KidPak, one where we're revisiting some series that we've done before, and that will be fun, but the new writing will be easier on me.  On top of that, the calendar doesn't make room for a return to our big Grinch production.  One one hand, it seems there's always something stopping these plays from returning ("Holly" was stopped by the pandemic), just when there's so much positive reception.  On the other hand, a quieter Christmas season might be really appreciated.  I'm sure there'll be something else popping up to keep us busy, but not that busy, with all the play practices and costuming and music and writing and line memorization and lighting and stage direction and choreography and ... well, you get the idea.

So we got home and the rest of the day was super chill.  I say super chill when I bring up "Tropical Freeze," which still features Maddie and I marching forward from island to island, on our way to Donkey Kong Island.  It's a pretty amazing platforming game, super creative.  

And yeah, we were watching the Olympic Games too.  That'll be our habit the next few weeks, including the Paralympic Games, which we can enjoy watching now thanks to our streaming service.  But today we were watching gymnastics and swimming and fencing too!

Yes, the All-American final for fencing was pretty cool.  We watched the matches that led up to this too, and one of the great things about these events is learning about the sports themselves.  That said, I'm determined to watch a rugby game and a handball game too - I have no idea what those rules are, pretty much.  I mean, I get the general idea, but watching obscure sports is a tradition every four years.

We closed out our day quietly, with reading and with prayer.  It was a good Sunday though, the last before the school year starts.  Senior Sunrise is coming soon, and you'll see that on these pages soon enough.  Until then, it's time for some sleep!

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