Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mixed Emotions

I was delivering a message this morning, and because we were doing the "At the Movies" theme, the message was related to "Inside Out."  It went well, and we got to show all the different emotions, and some clips from the movie to help out.  It was a good service, certainly more quiet with the post-Summer Xtreme energy.  But it went well, and Maddie was unhand to take some pictures.

Afterwards, Mom wanted Chinese food, so we picked up some of that and got home for a nice feast at the table.  We were in the midst of eating when Maddie picked up the phone and read the news:  the President is not seeking reelection anymore.  

Wow.  This year has been so unusual.  We don't know who the replacement candidate is, and we're like three months away from the Presidential election.  Crazy! 

Otherwise, it was a restful day after that.  Maddie and I re-watched the latest "Descendants" movie again, and a few episodes of "Suite Life of Zack and Cody."  I tried a level of "Tropical Freeze," but gave up.  There are a few levels that get so challenging that they aren't fun anymore, so yeah, time to walk away from some of that for a bit. 

Anyway, it was a quiet afternoon.  I'm back on the treadmill, and we were celebrating National Nap Day a day late with a little afternoon nap.  Also it's National Ice Cream Day, so that of course was something to celebrate. 

Tonight we read from our short stories, a point of view story from one of the speeder bike pilots on Endor. It doesn't end well for him.  We said our prayers afterwards, and then it was time for everyone to get tucked in, and then get some sleep.  No alarm clock tomorrow morning!

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