Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Jaxxon?  Okay, I remember vaguely seeing this character in comic books growing up, and since then I've completely forgotten about him.  Until tonight!  We've been reading these short stories in a Star Wars book, and sure enough, Jaxxon showed up at Cloud City.  We were trying to figure out why we were reading about a rabbit, which was super weird.  So we looked it up and got all kinds of context now.  Slightly more respect for this book.  There's a lot of authors here, and you have some good stories and bad ones.  This story with Jaxxon is amusing though - we'll finish it up tomorrow.

Today Maddie was walking in Vietnam again, at least on the treadmill.  I was returning to Vernal Falls (on the treadmill), but this is a trail I actually went on some time ago, hiking to the top of the falls in Yosemite.  This treadmill series has me wanting to go back there to see this falls, and then go past it to Nevada Falls as well.  Pretty neat stuff.

Maddie's been cooking again, making an omelette for herself for breakfast.  I was at work today for a good bit, but came home tonight for dinner - it's Taco Tuesday!  I picked up some ground beef on the way home, and we all had a fiesta tonight for dinner.

Afterwards, we were watching the last of our Madagascar marathon, the third movie.  Which is the best in my opinion.  For the record, I think it features the greatest car chase in movie history, although the two car chases in "The Blues Brothers" come pretty close.  Anyway, we watched that and the alien episode of "Monk," which was funny.  We're approaching the end of this series, which is a bittersweet moment.  Mom and I have been waiting to see that "Monk" movie until this is all said and done, so that will be a big moment.

We closed out the day with prayers, and of course our reading.  It's been a good day, but it's time for some sleep.  Our AC unit has been challenging us with the condensation pipes, but we're making due.  Tonight we should be okay, but we've had some issues there that will be a theme of the next week or so.  Ugh.  Anyway, we'll sleep tonight at least...goodnight!

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